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Two Million-Year-Old Ice Cores Reveal Ancient Climate

Written by Princeton University

Photos by Sean Mackay, Boston University
Princeton University-led researchers have extracted 2 million-year-old ice cores from Antarctica that provide the first direct observations of Earth’s climate at a time when the furred early ancestors of modern humans still roamed.

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On Pole Shifts & Climate Change

Written by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Good morning, Mr. Armstrong. Last week, you wrote about the north and south poles flipping. Has Socrates ever suggested that the earth could flip so that the north and south poles move to where the equator is now; that is, has the earth ever moved sideways?

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Another Problem for the Greenhouse Gas Theory

Written by Herb Rose

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The supporters of the Green House Gas Theory face many problems when defending this  man-made global warming invention. The main one being there is no scientific support for it, which has resulted in them resorting to slogans, demonstrations, and trying to silence those who question their faith.

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Inside The Climate Change Money Machine

Written by Dr Jay Lehr

green money machine

For far too long the public has been deluded into believing that groups whose titles indicate their efforts to protect our environment are the Davids in a battle with the Goliath industrial complex of our nation.

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