Pertinent work that is worthwhile for wider consideration that are buried and lost in the overwhelming, pervasive AGW propaganda from governments, media and academia are summarized below:
It’s amazing that self-proclaimed environmental activists can point fingers from their city dwellings and accuse farmers of destroying the environment.
Recently, a great fuss was made of the fact that farmers in Brazil were burning off their fields in preparation for the growing season.
Some early Tesla models are spontaneously malfunctioning and could cost owners more than $1,800 to repair.
The issue stems from a worn-out flash memory chip embedded in the Multi-Media Controller board that activates the control screen and executes most functions.
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) agrees human CO2 is only 5 percent and natural CO2 is 95 percent of the CO2 inflow into the atmosphere. The ratio of human to natural CO2 in the atmosphere must equal the ratio of the inflows.
I just had a very long conversation with an academic colleague here at work, one who I’ve actually anonymously quoted before in my videos and on some posts. He is of the climate alarmist persuasion.
Before we spend tens of trillions of dollars on green new mis-dealings that collapse our economy and decimate our reliable energy infrastructure to save the planet from climatological Armageddon, let’s first consider some unsettling scientific questions regarding any “settled science” basis for hysteria.
If 20th century warming was indeed exceptional, then previous warming episodes and all natural
variations must have been smaller. Interestingly, in the first IPCC report of 1990, we saw this graphic (above) of global temperature since about the year 1000.
A world-renowned expert in animal bone identification has lost her position at the University of Victoria (UVic) for, she believes, telling school kids politically incorrect facts about polar bears.
Politicians and climate alarmists are running what amounts to a promises auction about getting the world to net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in 10 to 30 years.
It’s easy to bid as you will never be held accountable, you look virtuous and bids cost nothing, at least for the time being.
I often say that we have found ourselves ruled by psychopaths because we have a system wherein (A) those who are willing to do anything to anyone are rewarded with immense wealth, and (B) immense wealth translates directly to immense political power.
Everyone please read and widely share this most excellent exposition of the debunk of climate science and climate alarmism, produced by a reader and commentator.
In the matter of a few months, Greta Thunberg went from a lone girl protesting in front of the Swedish parliament to an international phenomenon. Although mass media is making it seem as if this meteoric rise to prominence happened organically, this is simply not true.