Earlier this month I participated in a climate interview in which I mentioned peer-reviewed research finding wind turbines kill more than one million birds and bats each year in the United States.
In our daily reading, we encounter all kinds of claims. Depending on the news story and the week, Chinese imports, coffee, large-cap stocks, snacking, and eggs should be embraced — or they should be avoided altogether. What’s a person to do when bombarded with confusing, contradictory information?
Independent climate researcher, Tony Heller, offers another devastating yet simple to follow video exposing the climate scam. We see that rather than cutting our use of oil, gas and other mineral resources, we should be expressing GRATITUDE for having them.
Dear true environmentalists: I am with you.1 Corporate pollution and releasing of toxic substances should be treated as a criminal act, with full power to seize assets for reparations, actual reparations, not just punitive fines.
While the EU and United States have all but abandoned nuclear energy as a future power source, with almost no new reactors being built and existing ones being decommissioned, Russia has quietly emerged as the world’s leading builder of peaceful civilian nuclear power plants.
LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE – “We should keep a few nuclear power stations open longer, provided that safety is guaranteed.” Professor Jean-Pascal van Ypersele makes that remarkable statement on the eve of the international climate summit.
John Stossel is just so great at debunking myths. This past week, he took on the myths surrounding climate change in a terrific video. Stossel invited climate change activists to a debate at the Heartland Institute.
Exhibit 1: Two years ago, independent photographers encountered an emaciated polar bear in the Canadian Arctic.
They knew nothing about its history or its medical condition.Was it dying a natural death due to old age? Did it have cancer? They had no means of answering such questions.
The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC for short) is a highly influential organization that has heavily shaped public and scientific opinion on climate change.
In their most recent Assessment Report — published in 2013/2014 — they concluded that most of the climate change since at least the 1950s was human-caused.
While it is widely reported how the world’s rainforests are being chopped down, Wissenschaft reports, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
This is a book that everyone must read. It is brief, to the point – and utterly frightening, for it lays out the end-game of environmentalism, which will affect us all, if we blindly keep empowering it, as we are now so gleefully doing.
More than 200 people, including dozens of scientists, are in hiding right now in Germany. I am one of them. I can tell you that I am in Munich, but I can’t tell you my hotel. I can tell you that the scientists will meet on Friday and Saturday to share scientific knowledge, but I can’t tell you where.
I am a small part of an irregular whole of almost identical stuff, I am very, very, VERY old. A long time ago I used to be a short distance away, but have been here for a long, long time. I experience a huge energy imbalance, alternately a lot of incoming energy, then none. Close by there is a small spherical object.
Here we go… More lies from the globalist elites. It never stops.And then when they toss out these absurd numbers they wonder why nobody with a brain trusts them!
UN General Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the former Socialist president of Portugal, kicked off the international Climate Summit that begins on Monday and lasts until December 13th.