On December 4, 2019 Hans Schreuder, scientist and renowned independent climate researcher, passed away while on a visit to Thailand.
Best known as the co-founder of the ‘Slayers’ – a rising force in the climate debate who insist CO2 is not our climate’s control knob and likely cools, not warms the atmosphere.
Still no end to the nonsense spewed by government-funded American university ‘researchers’ about climate change. Here is the latest demented offering – enjoy:
If high carbon emissions continue, babies born in the United States could lose a collective 250,000 days of gestation annually by the end of the century. That’s the conclusion of the most extensive analysis to date of how extreme heat affects the timing of childbirth, published yesterday in Nature Climate Change.
On December 23, 1947, three researchers at Bell labs demonstrated a new device to colleagues. The device, a solid-state replacement for the audion tube, represented the pinnacle of the quest to provide amplification of electronic communication.
The Mahout, the Elephant and the Path. The mahout represents the rational and reasoned. If the mahout clearly understands where he needs to go he’ll direct his charge that way. The elephant represents the subconscious.
It seems incredible that the subconscious mind was first postulated by Sigmund Freud. If you are elderly it is likely that your grandparents imagined that the entire content of their mind was accessible to conscious contemplation.
Social Justice Education in America is a comprehensive examination of the inner workings of social justice advocates at more than 60 universities and how they have insinuated themselves into the university system to propagandize students.
An Oregon energy startup has a modular nuclear power reactor 1/100th the size of a traditional reactor and is supposedly far safer. The reactors can be installed in multiples to scale up or down to a location’s power needs.
Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist who first claimed that the burning of hydrocarbons like coal, oil, gas, peat, and wood may cause global warming.
In 1895, he calculated (incorrectly) that a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration would lead to a 4-5o C rise in global temperature.
German evolutionary biologist and physiologist Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kutschera told in an interview that “CO2 is a blessing for mankind” and that the claimed “97% consensus” among scientists is “a myth.”
It hasn’t been entirely smooth sailing, but The Ocean Cleanup is now calling an end to a first successful mission to collect plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, today showing off the pile of trash on the shores of Vancouver.
MIT engineers have devised a novel way to record a patient’s immunisation history: storing the information in a patterned dye that is invisible to the naked eye and delivered under the skin at the same time as the vaccine.
An ancient village off the coast of Israel used boulders to build a wall thousands of years ago to protect its homes from rising sea levels — the move was unsuccessful, according to a study published Wednesday.
Cannon Points are typically geographic promontories on lakes, rivers, and ocean fronts that were useful for locating cannons that might be a formidable deterrence to any invaders.
Cannons — Not only for Defense
In times of peace and in remote communities, they were more or less critical points from where cannon shots could be heard throughout the area, to alert the community to important events and news.
There has been a 4–6% decline in Arctic Sea Ice over the satellite era (see graphs below). Antarctic sea ice increased almost the same amount in 2016–2018, but it is now down slightly (1–3%) as well. It is hard to be sure that this change is significant as the longer term records required to be certain do not exist.
The average American ate some 220 pounds of red meat and poultry in 2018, according to the US Department of Agriculture, surpassing a record set in 2004.
But some politicians have joined anti-meat and climate change activists in a massive effort to restructure the American diet – and to ensure … and mandate … that the rest of the world will be stuck with a mostly plant-based diet.