A radical climate protest group called Climate Defiance endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday, citing their belief that she will be able to be pressured on energy policy. [emphasis, links added]
During my time as a graduate student, my advisor and I often steered clear of climate science discussions due to the increasingly politicized and contentious nature of the field.
A few days ago, a new initiative promoted by Prime Minister Netanyahu was announced – removing 200 shekel bills from circulation, as a first step to abolish cash altogether within a few years.
In a decision that could end the practice of water fluoridation in the U.S., a federal judge late Tuesday ruled that water fluoridation at current U.S. levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children
Editor’s note: If you or your family member were ever required to receive a vaccine, or multiple vaccines, before being treated for an illness, please contact The Defender here.
A few weeks ago, Energy Secretary Ed Miliband and his Head of ‘Mission Control’, Chris Stark wrote a public letter to Fintan Slye of the National Grid ESO asking for practical advice on how to deliver a ‘clean’ power grid by 2030
The U.S. healthcare system is “an existential threat to our country,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Monday told members of a congressional roundtable on nutrition and the prevalence of chronic illness.
A few days ago I received the word that Amazon had banned Dr. Paul Marik’s book Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer. In Amazon’s words:
The premiere of “Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill” in theaters last week was a huge success. If you missed it, sign up today for the free online premiere on Oct. 4, 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT).
A vaccine for Smallpox called ACAM2000 (and now TGA recommended for Monkeypox) which was approved in Australia 2009 can cause death to the unvaccinated as well as the vaccinated. I’ve never heard of such a thing before – not ever! OMG!