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Climate May Improve, But Academic Gloom Is Paid To Stay

Written by Anthony J Sadar

college class

Predictions of climate gloom and doom have gotten more confident and dire with each passing year. But the passing years have not been kind to the certainty of their fruition.

As a new academic semester gets underway at the beginning of this new decade, the college campus is where catastrophic climate change has actually happened over the most recent decades.

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50,000 Tons Of Useless Wind Turbine Blades Dumped In The Landfill

Written by SRSrocco

Pilot Hill Wind Farm damaged by…wind – – Illinois Leaks

image source:

Funny, no one seemed to consider what to do with the massive amount of wind turbine blades once they reached the end of their lifespan.  Thus, the irony of the present-day Green Energy Movement is the dumping of thousands of tons of “non-recyclable” supposedly renewable wind turbine blades in the country’s landfills.

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CO2 Refrigerant Use Sweeping into the US

Written by Peter Powell

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Chewing Gum Revelations about the Relations

Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser

My Dear Relatives close by and far afield, the science of ancestral lineages is progressing rapidly. As it shows, nearly each of us is related to everyone else via some DNA (desoxy-ribonucleic acid) fragments that we inherited from our Neanderthal- GREAT-(GREAT-…) grand-mothers and -fathers.

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The Climate Crap

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul

Who wants to eat crap? Yet every day we are all force-fed – we are forced to swallow Climate crap.

Let me ask you a question.  What is Carbon? Do I insult your intelligence? Carbon is a very abundant element of the Periodic Table.

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Climate Religion – Why is it so simple to cheat the mass?

Written by Norbert Schwarzer PhD (Physics)

image: Norbert Schwarzer, “Just a Fractal… or the typical outcome of a “climate simulation”

Abstract: There is never much of need to create a religion. What in the antique times just needed to be golden calve, somebody called holy, nowadays just requires a made-up (hockey stick) curve somebody declared as of scientific origin.

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Australian Bush Fires as Political as the Fires of Rome of 64BC

Written by Giordano Bruno* & John O'Sullivan

Slowly but surely, despite the media being slow to reveal the facts, Australian police have arrested dozens of climate activists as part of a “Massive Arson Investigation.”

So, the bushfires were likely man-made after all. It seems not by ‘climate change’ but by the hands of sick green zealots who may now face life-time jail terms for the death and destruction their crazed activism has generated.

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Michelson-Morley Revisited with Occam’s Razor

Written by Dr. Raymond H.V. Gallucci, P.E. (ret.)

Repeat the Michelson-Morley Experiment in Interplanetary ...

Abstract.  The results of the Michelson-Morley Experiment (MMX), allegedly showing that an aether medium for the propagation of light did not exist, were interpreted by Einstein under the constraint of a constant light speed.  This led him to invent Special Relativity, not necessarily the simplest or most logical explanation, as would have been recommended by Occam’s Razor.  MMX is revisualized here, relaxing these constraints to show what might have been the better conclusion, or at least dismissal of the MMX as a basis for inventing Special Relativity.

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