Regarding World of Change: Global Temperatures;This figure claimed by NASA Goddard, one of the key tentacles in the leftist politician-run U.N. IPCC tries to stamp the word “DUMB—-” on our foreheads. Why?
Because thermometers can’t measure temperatures with that much precision, only about +/- 2F, hence a worldwide network of thermometers can’t either. It’s GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). So you guessed it, their scientific claims are unfalsifiable and indistinguishable from natural variation.
Climate science is supposed to be settled, right? We are told that there is an overwhelming agreement, or consensus, among scientists that most weather and climate changes that have occurred since the mid-20th century have been caused by human activity — our fossil fuel burning and CO2 emissions in particular.
This is the fastest World Coordinate Solution solver which has ever been devised; also the most reliable, robust, and simple. The folks at will be updating their insane and useless algorithm with this one once the paper is out. Currently in review at Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
The climate fraud can be defined as “consensus evidence” being determined by opinion instead of the normal scientific practice of opinion being determined by “empirical evidence”.
The current theory on how rain forms is that water evaporates from the surface of the Earth, becomes a gas that rises in the atmosphere, and due to cold temperatures and nuclei condenses in rain drops that then fall to the Earth.
The problem with this theory is that according to the evidence it can’t happen that way.
Global warming alarmists like claiming that a certain place is seeing more warming and climate change than everywhere else. Remarkably, they say that about almost everywhere, which of course makes no sense.
U.S. and global crop production continue to set new records, even as climate activists ramp up a campaign to convince people that climate change is decimating crop production and forcing farmers out of business.
Almost every week now in the mainstream media we see some weather event that is either ‘linked’ or ‘attributed’ to climate change, usually accompanied by ‘scientists say’ or ‘a new study shows’, but rarely do we wee the ‘scientists’ named, who they work for or links to these ‘studies’.
The above picture of polar bear health is not an exception but the rule for all 31 bears recorded onshore last July, as the photos below from other locations testify.
This aerial shot of six fat polar bears lolling around on a sandy beach on the coast of the Southern Beaufort Sea, Alaska, was taken by NOAA employees in July 2019.
Typhoons Hagibis [pictured] and Faxai struck Japan, together causing more than $26 billion in losses and Typhoon Lekima caused more than $8 billion in losses across Asia.
Officials who manage Glacier National Park are swapping out signs warning visitors that climate change would cause the park’s glaciers to disappear by 2020.
The U.S. Geological Survey told the park in 2017 that the complete melting off of the glaciers was no longer expected, park spokeswoman Gina Kurzmen told CNN.
Each day you listen to unceasing climate change advocacy, always claiming the mantle of “science.” But you can’t help noticing the steady drumbeat of the standard narratives used by religious cults.
The end of days is nigh. You have grievously sinned. Your sin is taking you down the road to damnation. Yet salvation is at hand.
So is the federal government a disinterested player in the debate on climate science? Not based on an impressive video that outlines some of the shenanigans of government agencies that supposedly watch the matter.
Composed of 13 federal agencies that conduct research on global changes that impact society, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is a federal project that issues periodic reports about the climate in the United States.
Predictions of climate gloom and doom have gotten more confident and dire with each passing year. But the passing years have not been kind to the certainty of their fruition.
As a new academic semester gets underway at the beginning of this new decade, the college campus is where catastrophic climate change has actually happened over the most recent decades.