The Big Bang theory is now considered the only one able to explain the observational data we have, including the existence of the cosmic background radiation, the mutual recession of the galaxies, and the abundance of hydrogen, helium, and lithium in the Universe
“Climate change can seem like a distant problem, a speck on the horizon. It’s not. It’s a present and deadly reality.”
These words were recently printed by the Huffington Post.
“Common sense dictates that the economy undergo a massive restructuring away from fossil fuels to save lives. And a growing body of research shows that the only way to avoid catastrophic levels of climate change is to cease production of vast amounts of “unburnable” carbon.”
I would like to draw some blatant phoney baloney manipulation by NASA and all the Climate Crisis Alarmists, to everyone’s attention. That being the graph above.
The official position of the American Meteorological Society is that the Sun does not create Earth’s weather or climate.
I present to you direct quotes and statements gathered during peer-review with the AMS and from the Bulletins of the AMS editorial board that their position is that the Sun does not create our climate on Earth!
One of the climate delusion’s greatest frauds was issued by the Center for Biological Diversity which said
“Climate change is drowning and starving polar bears. If greenhouse gas-fueled climate change keeps melting their sea ice habitat, an Arctic apocalypse will wipe them out in a century – and they will disappear from the United States by 2050.”
Written by Die kalte Sonne (Translated by P. Gosselin)
The climate issue now dominates almost all areas of life. This makes it all the more important that the arguments of the critics of the climate alarm are finally heard seriously.
Unfortunately, this is not the case.
On the contrary, those who do not support the alarmist line will be publicly scolded, possibly obstructing their career and future. An almost perfectly controlled opinion system has been established.
The censorship continues, as a George Soros-linked group has joined forces with the mainstream media to ensure climate skeptics are silenced on YouTube. The group Avaaz, left-leaning non-profit group, published a report on January 16th on its website that claims YouTube is “profiting by broadcasting misinformation” to millions of people by giving climate denial videos too much prominence.
Below is a critique of “Record-Setting Ocean Warmth Continued in 2019” by Cheng et al., released January 2020. Advances In Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 37, February 2020, 137–142.
This is a common question posed by low information useful idiots who swallow the doomsaying media climate narrative. Yes, of course, there are thousands of scientists qualified to the highest levels (some Nobel Prize winners, too!) that are skeptical about man-made global warming.
“We are all born ignorant,” Benjamin Franklin once said, “but one must work very hard to remain stupid.”
Greens are incensed over suggestions that anything but fossil fuels and climate change might be turning green California and Australian ecosystems into black wastelands, incinerating wildlife, destroying homes and killing people.
Climate Change has become a fanatical religion because there is no proof and it rests entirely on belief. This is taking on the traits of the religious dispute which marked the fall of Rome – Pagans v Christianity. Like the Pagans, they immediately attack anyone who dares to disagree with them and they will not tolerate even a discussion.