In our time, as truth corrodes, myths become necessary. As people drift away from truth, they readily agree to intrusive governments – and such invasive governments give consent to supranational entities and conglomerates who then use myths to manufacture political, social and economic consent.
I can see from the comments on my last posting ‘NASA’s Great Peak Fake Swindle‘ regarding NASA’s fake and misleading graph, some readers are confused so I am going to clear things up below.
In December 1993, London-based auctioneers Sotheby’s held a unique auction. Going under the hammer were no less than various items of Soviet space hardware from the 1960’s to the then present. Sotheby’s valuers had the somewhat onerous job of deciding prices for artifacts for which there were no precedents from previous sales.
Because science is the pursuit of knowledge, and political actions almost necessarily restrict personal freedom, science, laws, and regulations should use the best available data.
Using bad data undermines both the pursuit of truth and the legitimate justification of laws and regulations. Everyone, from the far left to the far right on the political spectrum, should be able to agree about this.
Scientists have known for years that subglacial volcanoes and other geothermal “hotspots” are contributing to the melting of the Thwaites Glacier. Why did the BBC fail to mention these facts in its recent report?
Behold the Sun’s convulsing surface at a level of detail never seen before.
The Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope on Hawaii has released pictures that show features as small as 30km across. This is remarkable when set against the scale of our star, which has a diameter of about 1.4 million km (870,000 miles) and is 149 million km from Earth.
As everyone knows global warming will kill us all in as little as 12, 11, 10 years.
But it’s actually way worse than that.
Global warming — caused of course by corporate greed/gas guzzling SUVs/supersized hamburgers/greedy, fat, stupid Americans, etc. — is being predicted to cause all manner of disaster.
‘”Education” continues its slide into indoctrination and brainwashing. The Cultural Marxist’s “long march through the institutions” is now substantially complete.’ (@JWSpry)
‘There’s a disturbing whiff of totalitarianism, in that this secular religion permits no dissent’ (Karl du Fresne, Dominion Post, January 23, 2020)
When a few bad ones made landfall in 2017, rather than repeat their discredited claim of a scary increase, some alarmists claimed their so-called “translation speed” (their rate of crawling horizontally over land and ocean) would decrease, so each one that did make landfall would stay longer, dumping ever more water and being Worse Than Expected tm.
“In the previous epidemics, which turned out to be duds—West Nile, SARS, bird flu, Swine Flu, MERS, Zika, Ebola—there were people claiming the virus had been diabolically weaponized, it was spreading unchecked, and THIS WAS THE BIG ONE. If they had been right, we would not be here to discuss epidemics. We would all be dead. Of course, this history of duds gives these doomsayers no pause at all. They keep predicting THE END. They have miraculously short memories.” (Jon Rappoport, The Underground)
Until recently, those expressing skepticism about climate-change catastrophe have been hauled over the coals (or the renewables equivalent) for not understanding the difference between ‘climate’ and ‘weather.’
The deadly animal virus epidemic spreading globally may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory linked to China’s covert biological weapons program, according to an Israeli biological warfare expert.