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Shock! Greenland’s largest glacier abruptly grown since 2016

Written by Kenneth Richard

Greenland Ilulissat-20.jpg

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Greenland’s largest glacier (Jakobshavn) has quite abruptly thickened since 2016. The thickening has been so profound the ice elevations are nearly back to 2010-2011 levels. The nearby ocean has cooled ~1.5°C – a return to 1980s-era temperatures.

The world’s glaciers have not been following along with the CO2-driven catastrophic melting narrative.

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The Science Says There’s No Climate Emergency

Written by Arthur Chrenkoff

climate protest

It is somewhat ironic – though in some ways unsurprising – that at the time when the climate change activism (or, rather, according to the new guidelines, climate crisis or climate catastrophe activism) is reaching its shrillest heights yet, what with Saint GretaExtinction Rebellion and widespread “climate anxiety”, the actual science the activists so noisily champion over the (“denialist”) belief is showing positive trends.

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The Truth About Electric Cars Biggest Problem

Written by Engineering Explained

From a scientific standpoint, the largest challenge facing today’s electric cars is the energy density of batteries used. The batteries are both massive and heavy, and as a result have significant impacts on electric transportation feasibility depending on the scenario.

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Towards a rational climate change model – part 1

Written by Rosie Langridge

Angels Paintings, Angels Art, Print, Poster, Angels Wallpapers

or – ‘Rip it up and start again’ -We might scoff at the attempts of our forebears to convert base metals into gold  – but at least the Medieval alchemists established the science of chemistry, learned a great deal, discovered useful new elements, and even found ways to make glorious colours and pigments for Michelangelo to use to paint the Sistine Chapel.

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Are Ocean Currents Speeding Up…Or Down? Nobody Knows

Written by Dr David Whitehouse

ocean waves sea

“Global warming is speeding up Earth’s massive ocean currents,” said one headline.

“Global ocean circulation is accelerating from the surface to the abyss,” said another.”

But this is another of those climate stories in which the top line is not backed up by the qualifications raised by oceanic researchers when looking at the results of this fascinating paper.

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What the Hell Is China Doing on the Dark Side of the Moon?

Written by David Axe

One year ago last month, a Chinese robot touched down on the dark side of the moon.

It was the first probe to land on the side of the moon that permanently faces away from Earth as both bodies circle around the sun. And if Beijing realizes its ambitions in coming years, it won’t be the last time it makes history—and threatens U.S. dominance in space.

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‘The CDC is actually a vaccine company’ – Robert F. Kennedy Jr

Written by RT America

Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of Children’s Health Defense joins to discuss the much-touted HPV vaccine, which new evidence shows may be ineffective and why it has done tremendous harm.

He also explains how legal loopholes exempt vaccine makers from rigorous testing. He goes on to discuss the revolving door between Big Pharma and the bodies that are supposed to oversee it and curtail its abuses.

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This is how statistics work

Written by unknown

Lies, damned lies and statistics in talent acquisition ...

Lies, damned lies, and statistics” is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments. It is also sometimes colloquially used to doubt statistics used to prove an opponent’s point.

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Extinction Rebellion and the Climate Fraud Exposed

Written by Terri Jackson MSc (Physics) MPhil MInstP

Extinction Rebellion: civil disobedience and direct action
The Global Climate strike of last September 20-27 is spearheaded by the recently formed
Extinction Rebellion or XR as it is known which lures children to skip school for the sake of illegal
action on the streets. It is led by 16 year old Greta Thunberg from Sweden.

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A Volcano Eruption Can Emit More CO2 Than All Humanity. Why Worry?

Written by John Walker

Volcano Eruption For Kids - Discover Secret Volcano ...

We should care about global warming and global cooling, no matter the cause.

But that does not mean we should make draconian changes in global economic, political and energy policies based upon the unproven hypothesis that human emissions of CO2 are leading to apocalyptic global warming. There simply is NO proof of this hypothesis.

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Antarctic warming – or not…

Written by Andy Rowlands

How to Travel to Antarctica Responsibly (Must Read ...

I was prompted to write this article after having two media articles thrust at me last week claiming a record high temperature had been seen in Antarctica, and being told here was ‘proof’ of the ‘climate crisis’. The two articles are from Newsweek and the BBC.

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Earth’s Thermodynamic Energy Budget

Written by Joseph E Postma

Retired Astronaut Chris Hadfield Releases Stunning Space ...

Instead of creating a flat-Earth “global energy budget” such as those which the field of climate science is entirely based upon, as in the figure below, I have created (and updated) a new global energy budget which is instead called “Earth’s Thermodynamic Energy Budget”.

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