A study by the University of York found evidence for a period of enhanced pre-industrial sea-level rise of about 2-3 millimeters per year in three locations — Nova Scotia, Maine, and Connecticut, which was largely natural, without any human constructions or man-made factors.
Climate activists would have us believe that man-made warming is a fact and it’s serious. After reading the various documentation of meetings leading up to the creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and then from the IPCC itself, I conclude that it’s all been vastly exaggerated.
Johns Hopkins CSSE are tracking the COVID-19 (corona virus) spread in real-time on their interactive dashboard with data available for download. They are also modeling the spread of the virus. Preliminary study results are discussed on the Johns Hopkins blog.
New research suggests that companies looking to promote their latest environmentally friendly product should downplay its green credentials if they want consumers to buy it.
By highlighting green attributes through advertising, in some situations firms risk generating associations with weak product performance, say researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and the University of Leeds.
There’s little scientific evidence behindrecommendations by US health organizations that kids should stop eating full-fat dairy after the age of two, according a new analysis of 29 peer-reviewed studies on the role of dairy and childhood obesity.
A Missouri peach farmer notched a rare courtroom victory this month, defeating the former Monsanto Co. and chemical giant BASF in the first of what is expected to be a series of court fights over claims that the companies are responsible for pesticide damage that has wiped out orchards, gardens, and organic farm fields in multiple states.
Asia and Oceania are now producing more CO2 than any other major contributors. But the Arctic polar ice does not care about CO2 and global warming. It has begun increasing!
Written by Dr. Clifford Saunders - The Brain Reprogramming Doctor
I am a practicing Cybernetician: the study and use of the properties of large, messy, probabilistic, goal oriented systems ~ like our brains. I am also an Electrical Engineer and Applied Psychologist, and I have been very active in the fields of Neuroplasticity and Cranial Electro Stimulation technologies for many years.
Now that Canadians are seeing what it feels like to be on the edge of a catastrophe they are waking up and asking long overdue questions about the downsides of “protecting the climate.”
Although the media are focused on the coronavirus and the two fatalities that have taken place in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), influenza and related pneumonia are widespread across the country.
Climate science has made a serious omission by not including the important impact of heat from our planet’s core on surface temperatures.
In 2010, Davies & Davies provided an estimate for the internal heat flux of the planet = 47 TW +/- 2 TW. This is the value you will find if you research conventional sources.
I want to show you the power and significance of carbon dioxide. NASA has found ‘from a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide’ and CSIRO has found the same. I’ll explain why.
How will the British government’s plans to ‘decarbonize’ the economy affect us? Very badly according to an article in Climate Change Dispatch on February 24, 2020.
In fact, it won’t just be bad, it will be horrific.
Free speech and freedom of expression are often assumed to be inherent qualities of being a modern human being.
However, modern life is also very much aligned with technology, where freedom has very limited currency, because it gets in the way of the larger project of the entire Internet which is the establishment of vast communities that, hive-like, depend upon like-mindedness.