DSCOVR Earth & space weather satellite back online after 9 months
Written by Elizabeth Howell

Written by Elizabeth Howell
Written by Dr. Raymond HV Gallucci, P.E. (ret.)
The discovery of the “contact binary,” double-lobed, planetesimal Ultima Thule (since renamed as 486958 Arrokoth) “on 26 June 2014 … using the Hubble Space Telescope” prompted mainstream astrophysicists to cite it as evidence for formation via “gravitational accretion.”
It was the object of the New Horizons space probe flyby on January 1, 2019, from which additional data were compiled. [1]
Written by University of Alaska Fairbanks
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere.
Operation of the research facility was transferred from the United States Air Force to the University of Alaska Fairbanks on Aug. 11, 2015, allowing HAARP to continue with exploration of ionospheric phenomenology via a land-use cooperative research and development agreement.
Written by Chris Centeno, MD
You can’t turn on a computer screen, a TV, or look at a phone without dozens of new stories about how the deadly Coronavirus is lurking like a silent killer waiting to end millions of lives. You hear terms like “pandemic”, ICU”, and “Emergency Funding”.
Written by Bevan Dockery & John O'Sullivan
Above is a photo taken from the Microsoft Picture library of a scene in the San Juan National Forest in Colorado, USA. What do you see?
An early Spring scene with patches of snow covering hollow parts of the mountain in shade from the Sun. We can discern the Sun is behind the mountains at a low angle to the ground surface and thus at lower intensity than say at noon, when it would reach its highest in the sky.
Written by Joe Bastardi
image source: shutterstock.com
As predictable as the morning sunrise, we are hearing that the spread of the Coronavirus is enhanced by “climate change.”
No proof of that for one, and secondly, it runs counter to the fact that life THRIVED in warmer times. You have seen this chart many times so here it is again:
Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
The sky is falling, Chicken Little said so. And Foxy Loxy is licking his lips in anticipation.
COVID-19 virus is nearly everywhere, “City Killer” asteroids are whizzing by earth, apparently at increasing frequency and a few million miles closer day by day, the oceans are said to be rising by leaps and bounds, and the atmosphere supposedly is getting warmer every summer.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Discredited self-styled ‘fact checker’ website is served with a ‘cease and desist’ legal notice today for publishing unsubstantiated and defamatory claims against Principia Scientific International (PSI).
MEDIA BIAS FACT CHECK site owner admits he is unqualified and misrepresented himself as a seasoned journalist.
Written by M. Dowling
MIT biologist and the man who claims to have invented email, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, does research almost every day into the immune system. He says the fear-mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest frauds to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!”
Written by Stephen Dowling
One hundred years ago, a world recovering from a global war that had killed some 20 million people suddenly had to contend with something even more deadly: a flu outbreak.
The pandemic, which became known as Spanish flu, is thought to have begun in cramped and crowded army training camps on the Western Front.
Written by Mark Pedigo
After hearing about Eugene Wigner’s article, “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences,” for many years, I recently decided to read and digest the article for myself. (If you’re so inclined, you can read about the results here.)
Written by Manlio Dinucci
Written by Bill Lynch and Dr. Jay Lehr
During the Obama Administration a regulation was passed requiring all automobile manufacturers to achieve an average efficiency for all their vehicles of 54 miles per gallon by the year 2025. President Trump recently canceled the ordinance recognizing such a requirement could never be reached without sacrificing the safety of the drivers which we will attempt to explain.
Written by John O'Sullivan
The prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the professional association for electronic engineering and electrical engineering based in New York, issues a stark public warning of grave cancer risks from any mass roll out of 5G telecoms technology.
Written by A Jones
The Center for Disease Control admitted in a federal lawsuit that is has no scientific studies to support its claim that vaccines given to infants don’t cause autism.
The lawsuit, filed by the non-profit Informed Consent Action Network, sought for the CDC to present evidence to back up the claim on its official website that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism.”
Written by Dr Craig Idso
Paper Reviewed: Clark, T.D., Raby, G.D., Roche, D.G., Binning, S.A., Speers-Roesch, B., Jutfelt, F. and Sundin, J. 2020. Ocean acidification does not impair the behavior of coral reef fishes. Nature 577: 370-375.