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Wisdom and Accurate Definition

Written by Jerry Krause PhD (Chemistry)

"Earth" The Only Planet Supports Life | A Short ...

Preface: We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves. (Galileo)

Intuitive knowledge keeps pace with accurate definition. (Louis Elzevir)

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. (Einstein)

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. (Einstein)

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Sun’s surface seen in remarkable new detail

Written by Jonathan Amos

Behold the Sun’s convulsing surface at a level of detail never seen before.

The Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope on Hawaii has released pictures that show features as small as 30km across. This is remarkable when set against the scale of our star, which has a diameter of about 1.4 million km (870,000 miles) and is 149 million km from Earth.

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72 Terrible Things Global Warming Will Apparently Cause

Written by Tom Elliott

%ITEMS% Terrible Things Global Warming Will Apparently Cause

As everyone knows global warming will kill us all in as little as 1211, 10 years.

But it’s actually way worse than that.

Global warming — caused of course by corporate greed/gas guzzling SUVs/supersized hamburgers/greedy, fat, stupid Americans, etc. — is being predicted to cause all manner of disaster.

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NZ Government Begins National Climate Indoctrination of Children

Written by Sto Vounó

‘”Education” continues its slide into indoctrination and brainwashing. The Cultural Marxist’s “long march through the institutions” is now substantially complete.’ (@JWSpry)

‘There’s a disturbing whiff of totalitarianism, in that this secular religion permits no dissent’ (Karl du Fresne, Dominion Post, January 23, 2020)

state-organised bullying of kids’ (David Seymour)

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Radical Enviros Made Africa’s Locust Problem Worse

Written by Richard Tren & Jasson Urbach

african locusts

Two weeks ago a Boeing 737 on final approach to Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, flew into a massive cloud of locusts swarming above the airport.

The insects were sucked into the plane’s engines and splattered across the windshield, blinding the pilots to the runway ahead.

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Another Alarmist Hurricane Claim Blown To Pieces

Written by CDN

hurricane michael space

Atlantic hurricane numbers fell sharply after 2005, the opposite of what alarmists had predicted.

When a few bad ones made landfall in 2017, rather than repeat their discredited claim of a scary increase, some alarmists claimed their so-called “translation speed” (their rate of crawling horizontally over land and ocean) would decrease, so each one that did make landfall would stay longer, dumping ever more water and being Worse Than Expected tm.

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What are the Chinese hiding in Wuhan?

Written by Jon Rappoport

Flu pandemic: how the US could be better prepared for an ...

“In the previous epidemics, which turned out to be duds—West Nile, SARS, bird flu, Swine Flu, MERS, Zika, Ebola—there were people claiming the virus had been diabolically weaponized, it was spreading unchecked, and THIS WAS THE BIG ONE. If they had been right, we would not be here to discuss epidemics. We would all be dead. Of course, this history of duds gives these doomsayers no pause at all. They keep predicting THE END. They have miraculously short memories.” (Jon Rappoport, The Underground)

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An Eternal and Uncreated Universe or the Big Bang?

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A graphic representation of the Universe’s evolution since the Big Bang [N.R.Fuller, National Science Foundation]

The Big Bang theory is now considered the only one able to explain the observational data we have, including the existence of the cosmic background radiation, the mutual recession of the galaxies, and the abundance of hydrogen, helium, and lithium in the Universe

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Carbon Dioxide is a Cooling Gas According to NASA

Written by Matheus

“Climate change can seem like a distant problem, a speck on the horizon. It’s not. It’s a present and deadly reality.”

These words were recently printed by the Huffington Post.

“Common sense dictates that the economy undergo a massive restructuring away from fossil fuels to save lives. And a growing body of research shows that the only way to avoid catastrophic levels of climate change is to cease production of vast amounts of “unburnable” carbon.”

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Written by Joseph E Postma

The official position of the American Meteorological Society is that the Sun does not create Earth’s weather or climate.

I present to you direct quotes and statements gathered during peer-review with the AMS and from the Bulletins of the AMS editorial board that their position is that the Sun does not create our climate on Earth!

If you have any questions for Joe Postma please post them at

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38 infected coronavirus patients CURED in China

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38 infected coronavirus patients CURED in China as epidemic rages on

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