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Italy Coronavirus: New explosive information

Written by Jon Rappoport

Read this carefully. Many people who were diagnosed as “coronavirus cases” in Italy, and then died, were almost certainly put on antiviral drugs. As you’ll see, below, a significant percentage of these people had prior heart conditions or high blood pressure.

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Why Vaccine Safety Studies Don’t Use a Control Group

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Is There an Anti-Vaccine Shadow Network?

Vaccine safety studies don’t use a control group. I say this again: vaccine safety studies don’t use a control group.

Even if Vaxxed had shown a 9,000% increase in black males getting autism after vaccination, even if Vaxxed showed the evidence that 99% of people vaccinated got autism, this could still be fairly described as “not evidence of anything,” and the vaccine companies could testify in Congress to that effect and have no fear of being prosecuted for perjury.

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Take Sambucol-Coronovirus Self-Assistance – Part 1

Written by Geraint Hughes

As a good starting point, I would suggest Sambucol.  This alternative health food product has been around for decades and is available in extract, liquid, tab and pill forms and has been used as an old folk remedy in Europe and Africa going back centuries.  It is an extract of Elderberry and its quite drinkable.

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Coronavirus: A Perspective from Britain

Written by Andy Rowlands

Coronavirus: London is the city most at risk of deadly ...

As of Friday the UK is on quarantine in an unprecedented medical lockdown due to Coronavirus, a generic term for a collection of related viruses. The current variant causing all the media panic has been officially termed Covid-19.

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Dr Ron Paul’s Warning of ‘Coronavirus Hoax’

Written by Dr Ron Paul

America 2020 - Survival Blueprint

Dr Ron Paul suggests the coronavirus as a government-promoted hoax. His warning warrants wide consideration, not only because of Paul’s political insight, but also because he is qualified to speak on this as a medical doctor. He writes as follows:

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