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Four Major Factors That Cause The Climate To Change

Written by Dr Jay Lehr


It has been nearly three decades since the topic of global warming, and then climate change, came on the scene as a hot (pardon the pun) topic on the pages and screens of our news media.

Most people have taken sides as to whether or not humanity plays a role in determining the temperature of our planet.

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CBS News Plays Italy Coronavirus Hospital Footage — Again!

Written by John Nolte

In this photograph taken from behind a window, doctors work on Covid-19 patients in the intensive care unit of San Matteo Hospital, in Pavia, northern Italy, Thursday, March 26, 2020. The San Matteo hospital is where Patient 1, a 38-year-old Unilever worker named Mattia, was kept since he tested positive …

CBS has been caught broadcasting misleading hospital footage for a second time during the coronavirus pandemic.

About two weeks ago, on March 22, CBS News used deceptively-edited footage the first time. Breitbart News reported then that “CBS News was caught red-handed using chaotic footage from an Italian hospital in a story about New York City hospitals.”

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‘Trust the Experts on Coronavirus’. Sure. Which Experts?

Written by James Delingpole

Britain could suffer more than 60,000 coronavirus death by July, warns the Daily Mail. But there’s a massive tell in the first sentence of the report: “…leading scientists say.” And there’s an even bigger warning in the second paragraph:

“Modelling by researchers at the University of Washington predicted 151,680 people would succumb to the virus across the continent.”

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Many diseases wax & wane with the seasons – will COVID-19?

Written by Jon Cohen

On a December afternoon, 13 days before the winter solstice, six men and women checked into the Surrey Clinical Research Facility, part of the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom.

After having their noses swabbed to check for 16 different respiratory viruses, they walked into their own temperature-regulated rooms and, for 24 hours, each person stayed in a semirecumbent position in dim light.

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Dr Knut Wittkowski Debunks the Coronavirus Frenzy

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Biostatistics provides clues to understanding autism: an ...

“For all respiratory epidemics, if you leave it alone, it comes for two weeks, it peaks, and it goes for two weeks, and it’s gone. There are no indications that anything is different from the regular flue, maybe a bit worse….”  – Dr Knut Wittkowski

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