“The temperature of the Earth” is an ambiguous term that cannot mean anything.
At any given time, it is possible to measure the temperature of some very small part of the Earth, such as, perhaps, a shot glass of water.
Written by Jerry Powlas
“The temperature of the Earth” is an ambiguous term that cannot mean anything.
At any given time, it is possible to measure the temperature of some very small part of the Earth, such as, perhaps, a shot glass of water.
Written by Penny Starr
Written by Richard F Cronin
Climate science has made a serious omission by not including the important impact of heat from our planet’s core on surface temperatures.
In 2010, Davies & Davies provided an estimate for the internal heat flux of the planet = 47 TW +/- 2 TW. This is the value you will find if you research conventional sources.
Written by Malcolm Roberts
I want to show you the power and significance of carbon dioxide. NASA has found ‘from a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide’ and CSIRO has found the same. I’ll explain why.
Written by Andy Rowlands
How will the British government’s plans to ‘decarbonize’ the economy affect us? Very badly according to an article in Climate Change Dispatch on February 24, 2020.
In fact, it won’t just be bad, it will be horrific.
Written by Nirmal Dass
Free speech and freedom of expression are often assumed to be inherent qualities of being a modern human being.
However, modern life is also very much aligned with technology, where freedom has very limited currency, because it gets in the way of the larger project of the entire Internet which is the establishment of vast communities that, hive-like, depend upon like-mindedness.
Written by J A Cook
Review: The new The Sky Dragon Slayers Victory Lap is the follow up to Slaying the Sky Dragon (2011) which I previously reviewed (see here), the foreword written by Dr. Tim Ball, I have also reviewed some of Dr Ball’s books.
Written by Allum Bokhari
Researchers at USC used federal funds to compile a “corpus” of “hate speech” on Gab, the First Amendment-friendly social media network that provides an alternative to increasingly censorious platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
Written by Joel B Pollak
An editorial published Friday in the New England Journal of Medicine speculated that the coronavirus currently causing panic in world markets could turn out no worse than “a severe seasonal influenza” in terms of mortality.
Written by Joe Hoft
The Hong Kong government and corporations reacted late to the coronavirus but when they did act, the actions were borderline extreme. More than a month later there are still questions. The overall damage of the virus is not nearly as severe as originally feared.
Written by Paul Homewood
Relying on hackneyed talking points and junk science from climate alarmists, UK politics Professor Catriona McKinnon makes her case for locking up man-made global warming deniers. She writes:
Written by Children’s Health Defense Team
The coordinated and stepped-up effort to eliminate vaccine exemptions and impose new vaccine mandates was, without a doubt, one of 2019’s top stories, both nationally and internationally.
One of the primary weapons in the anti-vaccine-choice arsenal was measles hysteria—whipped up by a biased media willing to use false talking points to demonize the unvaccinated while ignoring or glossing over measles vaccination’s flawed track record.
Written by Dr. Antero Ollila
The “greenhouse (GH) effect” is the IPCC’s basic concept in global warming. The anthropogenic (man-made) global warming theory is based on the enhanced GH effect caused by GH gases.
There have been many comments on net pages that how carbon dioxide having only 400 ppm concentration can lead to so much warming as proposed by the IPCC.
Written by James Edward Kamis
A well-defined ocean warming trend originating off the United States East Coast is likely from super-heated and methane-enriched fluids emitted from numerous seafloor hydrothermal vents/hot springs (see figure 1 after the jump).
Written by Pierre Gosselin
Lately, we’ve been hearing reports of how Arctic sea ice has (unexpectedly) reached normal levels this winter.
This is a bit of good news that the media avoids mentioning.
Written by Die Kalte Sonne & P Gosselin
Former Iceland Prime Minister fed up with climate tourism: Glaciers used to be smaller than today
Many glaciers are currently shrinking, as they have always done in the past when the climate warmed up. What’s the news on the glacier front?