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New Paper Affirms CO2 Has Earth-cooling Effect

Written by Kenneth Richard

frozen face cold freeze pixabay

In yet another new paper (Drotos et al., 2020), scientists determine the climate sensitivity to CO2 is “practically zero” the more the concentration rises.

A ~4,450 ppm CO2 concentration has cooler climates than observed in the pre-industrial (278 ppm) era. Why? A self-amplifying cloud feedback mechanism cools the Earth by magnitudes “as large as 10 K” upon warming saturation.

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COVID-19 Isn’t As Deadly As We Think

Written by Jeremy Samuel Faust

A man arrives in an ambulance at a pre-triage medical tent in Italy.

A man arrives in an ambulance at a pre-triage medical tent in front of the hospital in Cremona, Italy, on Tuesday. Miguel Medina/Getty Images

There are many compelling reasons to conclude that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is not nearly as deadly as is currently feared. But COVID-19 panic has set in nonetheless.

You can’t find hand sanitizer in stores, and N95 face masks are being sold online for exorbitant prices, never mind that neither is the best way to protect against the virus (yes, just wash your hands).

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‘Sinking’ Maldives to Open 4 New ‘Under water’ Airports

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Funadhoo Airport set to open on February 1 | Corporate Maldives

Those of us old enough to remember how long the climate scam has been running will recall how, in 1988, environmental ‘authorities’ and the United Nations predicted that the Maldives’ 1,196 islands would be underwater by 2018.

Gullible younger readers who believe the Greta BS about ‘dangerous’ global warming and rising sea levels need to get up to speed about the fraud and read this:

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Physicist: Parallel Universes Exist and We Should Explore Them

Written by Aaron Kesel

Parallel Universes

Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll expressed that clues in the small-scale structure of the universe point to the existence of numerous parallel worlds.

Carroll says that the fact that tiny particles like electrons and photons don’t have one set location in the universe is evidence that there are many parallel universes.

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The Greatly Exaggerated Threat of Man-made Warming

Written by John McLean PhD

Climate activists would have us believe that man-made warming is a fact and it’s serious. After reading the various documentation of meetings leading up to the creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and then from the IPCC itself, I conclude that it’s all been vastly exaggerated.

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Study: A Product’s Greenness ‘A Turn Off to Consumers’

Written by University of East Anglia

New research suggests that companies looking to promote their latest environmentally friendly product should downplay its green credentials if they want consumers to buy it.

By highlighting green attributes through advertising, in some situations firms risk generating associations with weak product performance, say researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and the University of Leeds.

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Study: no evidence full-fat dairy is bad for kids

Written by Sandee LaMotte, CNN

There’s little scientific evidence behind recommendations by US health organizations that kids should stop eating full-fat dairy after the age of two, according a new analysis of 29 peer-reviewed studies on the role of dairy and childhood obesity.

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Missouri Farmer Wins $265 Million Verdict Against Monsanto

Written by Carey Gillam

A Missouri peach farmer notched a rare courtroom victory this month, defeating the former Monsanto Co. and chemical giant BASF in the first of what is expected to be a series of court fights over claims that the companies are responsible for pesticide damage that has wiped out orchards, gardens, and organic farm fields in multiple states.

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‘There Isn’t Just One Way’

Written by Dr. Clifford Saunders - The Brain Reprogramming Doctor

American Posture Institute – How to Create Neuroplastic ...

I am a practicing Cybernetician: the study and use of the properties of large, messy, probabilistic, goal oriented systems ~ like our brains.  I am also an Electrical Engineer and Applied Psychologist, and I have been very active in the fields of Neuroplasticity and Cranial Electro Stimulation technologies for many years.

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