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Shock: Official Statistics Expose UK’s COVID-19 Lockdown Fail

Written by John O'Sullivan

Sweden was right all along – lockdown not needed. Official statistics reveal that the UK’s death toll due to COVID-19 is no worse than the country’s last bad influenza outbreak 20 years ago.

But before PM Boris Johnson claims victory for his quarantine measures he should take note of Sweden (which had no lockdown).

There is little, if any, discernible difference between the two countries on the rate or extent of deaths due to the disease. However, England did suffer more ‘unrelated deaths.’

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The Sun is NOT an Ice Cube!

Written by Geran

The IPCC/AGW/GHE/CO2 nonsense is supported by layer upon layer of pseudoscience.  One layer of pseudoscience is the bogus “energy balance”.  And one aspect of that layer is the “divide-by-4” calculation that reduces the effect of Sun. 

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Petition Against 5G Rollout Reaches a Quarter Million Signatures

Written by John O'Sullivan

As of April 21, 2020, 248,591 people and organizations from 214 nations and territories have signed this Appeal. No fewer than 25,000 of those are scientists.

Set out below are the reasons for the petition with comprehensive links to the scientific research revealing genuine concern over the health dangers from exposure to 5G levels of radiowaves.

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CNN Anchor Admits on Air Trump Is Right on COVID19 and WHO

Written by Johnathan Jones, The Western Journal

We shouldn’t have to reward the establishment media for getting basic facts right.

It should be a given that reporters conduct themselves with some degree of journalistic integrity, and they should operate with a singular goal of telling the truth — especially regarding events that affect every aspect of our lives.

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India Now Giving ‘Trump Cure’ to Blunt COVID-19

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Mumbai: Maharashtra government will give Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) tablets in slums to curb COVID-19 spread as a preventive measure. The suspected coronavirus patients kept in quarantine centres in Dharavi are likely to be the first to receive them.

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