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Study: Sunlight Levels Are Inversely Correlated with Virus Infections

Written by John O'Sullivan

Image (Wikipedia) A low-pressure mercury-vapor discharge tube floods the inside of a biosafety cabinet with shortwave UV light when not in use, sterilizing microbiological contaminants from irradiated surfaces.

Despite what mainstream media may tell you, it is scientifically proven that viruses hate sunlight. Studies in the peer reviewed scientific literature attest to the fact that ultra-violet (UV) light can kill bacteria and viruses.

Indeed, hospitals and surgeries are increasingly employing UV lamps to disinfect and prevent flu-type viruses (including COVID19) from spreading. In this article we introduce some of the key evidence.

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Turning Climate Change Upside Down

Written by Richard F Cronin

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Take everything you think of climate change and turn it upside down. The variations in heating, cooling, and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere come from below.

Of emphasis here is the very real, minuscule uptick in CO2 which does not come from radiation sources. Of course, CO2 has nothing to do with global warming. It only feeds the plants.

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MSM Touts Climate Change Silver Lining During Outbreak

Written by Joseph Vazquez

Cramer tracks the New York Times amid 'fake news' of its ...

Multiple msm outlets have capitalized on the coronavirus outbreak to push climate change propaganda. The essential message: Hey, at least pollution is down.

The New York Times, Bloomberg News and Axios all published stories touting how the quarantines, restrictions, social distancing policies, and business shutdowns are helping climate and reducing pollution. Really.

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Ford Using Seat Ventilation Fans to Build Thousands of Respirators

Written by Bozi Tatarevic

Ford announced today (March 24, 2020) that it is partnering with 3M in order to manufacture powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These respirators are often called positive-pressure masks as they take contaminated air, pull it through a filter, then push it to the sealed mask using an air blower.

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CDC Shock Admission: Coronavirus May Not Cause COVID19

Written by Jon Rappoport

The CDC (US Centers for Disease Control) admits the coronavirus test is flawed. That’s the overview and the takeaway.

As my readers know, I’ve described why the widespread diagnostic test for the coronavirus is insufficient, misleading, useless, and deceptive.

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