The National Task force for COVID-19, constituted by Indian Council of Medical Research, has recommended the use of hydroxy- chloroquine as prophylaxis (preventive drug) of SARS-COV-2 infection for high risk population.
Chloroquine, or hydroxychloroquine, has been used to treat malaria since 1944. It can be given before exposure to malaria to prevent infection, and it can also be given as treatment afterward.
Written by W.J.Witteman, Emeritus professor University of Twente (NL)
Abstract: The present study describes the absorption of thermal emission from the earth surface by CO2 in the atmosphere. It is done on a fundamental physics base. For this purpose, the vibrational-rotational structure of the CO2 molecule is described. At atmospheric temperatures a few low-lying vibrational bands of CO2 are relevant.
Dr Higgs provides his presentation on Late Holocene ~350–450AD solar-driven rapid global warming & sea levels and ~3-metre sea-level rise: geological, archaeological and astrophysical synthesis.
The Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort docked in in New York City on Monday, March 30, 2020. The ship was expected to bolster a besieged New York City health care system by treating non-coronavirus patients while hospitals treat people with COVID-19.
An international poll of more than 6,000 doctors released Thursday found that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine was the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus.
The survey conducted by Sermo, a global health care polling company, of 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37% of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.
Dr. Mehmet Oz urged New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to reverse his executive order that bans doctors from prescribing the anti-malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to fight the Wuhan coronavirus.
Is perception of the COVID19 pandemic worsening from incorrect medical diagnoses and poor access to data? And is the resultant junk science promulgating government strategies deadlier than the disease itself?
What follows is a personal account. It should not be read as a general description of symptoms that are true for all people.
Much of what happens during any infection depends on the condition of individual immune systems and pre-existing medical conditions – and there is also the fact the coronavirus, Covid19, or the Wuhan virus has forty known mutations (thus far).
Greens just can’t help themselves. As the rest of us do what we can to tackle or withstand the COVID-19 crisis, they treat it as a sign, a warning from nature, a telling-off to hubristic, destructive mankind.
Citizen reporters using smart phones to video record evidence are showing empty, or near empty hospitals in New York, Hawaii, California and Kentucky directly contradicting mainstream news claims such hospitals are crowded with coronavirus cases.
Video proof supports revelations from other countries, including Germany’s Berlin Hospital.
Testing kits which were headed to the UK have been found to be contaminated with coronavirus.
The Government has said that it aims to boost the rate of tests to 25,000 every day by the end of April at the latest and has asked private companies to help drive up test production.
Many people being forced to remain at home have already lost their jobs, and many thousands more are likely to suffer the same fate. Many small and medium-sized companies and businesses, having been forced to close, will go bankrupt and never re-open.
This article is intended for close study. I urge you not to jump to an early conclusion about what I’m proposing here. For example, I’m not ruling out the engineering of a virus. But an unusual twist is involved.
Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China, The Post has learned.