A secretly recorded meeting between the editors-in-chief of The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine reveal both men bemoaning the “criminal” influence big pharma has on scientific research.
That’s the question posed by the all-activism all-the-time BBC in Britain.
Some of us fondly remember the days when the Beeb meant I, Claudius or various adaptation of 19th-century English novels, but now it’s devolved into a tiresome globalist scold, trying to frighten the children and mental defectives into believing the world is coming to an end:
On June 3, 2020, NPJ Climate and Atmospheric Science published a study by Athanasiadis et al. 2020, in which the authors investigated the question of whether changes in the frequency of blocked weather situations in the North Atlantic and Central European region are predictable.
An unusual summertime snowstorm buried parts of Colorado and Wyoming on Tuesday in heavy, wet snow that piled up in higher elevations and even closed some roads.
The National Weather Service (NWS) said that winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories were issued Tuesday for areas west of Cheyenne in Wyoming and higher elevations of the Rockies in Colorado.
This study by John D Scott reports ACA rashes on Lyme disease patients for the first time in Canada. The author sheds new light on the predominant B. burgdorferi sensu stricto genospecies in North America acting as a potential contagion in the pathogenesis of ACA.
The media made Dr. Fauci a hero.Was it because of his superior medical knowledge or because his “wisdom” would harm Donald Trump and his re-election chances? Dr. Fauci clearly has impressive credentials but so do many other medical experts.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped negotiate who would score a $100 Billion government-backed contact tracing contract in August 2019 — six months before the ‘pandemic’ arrived in the United States and four months before it swept through China.
Psychologists are producing research referring to individuals who have resisted the mass hysteria resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic as mentally ill, claiming that they are more likely to exhibit psychopathic behavior.
After the George Floyd killing and subsequent turmoil, there’s an awful lot being written about black people being unfairly killed by police. But what are the facts?
According to empirical analysis of mortality data in England and Wales during the period 13th March 2020 to 29th May, it is possible to conclude that as many as 20,000 unexpected deaths have been caused by the UK government’s policy response to the SAR-CoV-2 virus.
Just in case 2020 wasn’t crazy enough, the Environmental Protection Agency recently announced rolled back regulations for companies due to the coronavirus outbreak paving the way for companies to skirt environmental laws and regulations during this declared crisis.
The UK response to the coronavirus is fundamentally wrong. Why fundamentally? Because from the beginning, the situation has been treated homogeneously, whereas the public health risk is entirely heterogenous.
Independent researcher, Dr Raymond Gallucci, submits his latest paper, ‘A Possible Aether Explanation for Two Light Phenomena:Varying Speed with Medium and Cosmological Redshift‘ for reader feedback. We have pleasure in publishing his summary with a link to the full PDF, below.
“In total, in an unmitigated epidemic, we would predict approximately 510,000 deaths in GB and 2.2 million in the US, not accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality.” Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team, 16 March 2020.
Six new studies confirm clouds play ‘Central Role’ in Earth’s climate, contradicting the consensus greenhouse gas theory.
Polar ice melt, Earth’s radiation budget, sea surface temperatures, water circulation, and climate variability are all “controlled” or “crucially regulated” by clouds.
Researchers from the Universities of Princeton, California, Tokyo, Kyushu, and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography said the recent hiatus in global temperatures rising has led to a surge in climate science.