Author Archive

Coronavirus – A Perspective from Britain Part 9

Written by Andy Rowlands

I have decided to write two articles per month for the moment, as doing just one meant some information from the beginning of the month had been superseded by newer or updated information. I will include the graph for cases in Birmingham & Solihull in the second article each month.

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Dr. Max Gerson: A cancer cure that cost his life

Written by Lisa Hunt

A question I often ask myself is “could it be possible that a natural cure for cancer would be suppressed because it offered no financial gain for several big pharma and private medical entities?” “Could greed be more powerful than respect for human life?”

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Scientists: COVID-19 Immunity Seen In Even the Mildly Infected

Written by Katherine J Wu

To the immune system, not all germs are equally memorable. But our body’s cells seem to be seriously studying up on the coronavirus.

Scientists who have been monitoring immune responses to the virus are now starting to see encouraging signs of strong, lasting immunity, even in people who developed only mild symptoms of COVID-19, a flurry of new studies suggest.

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The five biggest coronavirus myths BUSTED!

Written by Peter Andrews

The coronavirus misinformation that scientists, politicians and media have fed to the public has been shocking. Take a tour through the bizarre, contradictory and downright ludicrous myths that have done more damage than Covid.

TRIGGER WARNING! Do not read this if you are a loyal member of the Branch Covidians, cravenly awaiting the pleasure-pain prick of the Covid vaccine before you will appear in your own garden without a face nappy.

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New Global Data: HCQ Could Have Cut COVID Deaths 80 Percent

Written by Jim Hoft

Stunning evidence proves effectiveness of HCQ in treating coronavirus. Data should land Dr. Fauci in prison.The mainstream media can’t hide this truth from the public forever.

The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.

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Why Medical Journals Won’t Tell You a COVID Vaccine Isn’t Needed

Written by Edmund Fordham

‘THE dog did nothing in the night-time,’ said Inspector Gregory. ‘That was the curious incident,’ replies Sherlock Holmes, in Conan Doyle’s The Adventure of Silver Blaze.

Another dog that has for weeks done nothing in the night-time is the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), along with the  Lancet one of the world’s most respected medical journals, or at least formerly so. It should have barked, but didn’t.

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Our Pharmaceutical Emperors Have No Clothes

Written by Saeed A Qureshi PhD (Edits by John O'Sullivan)

Readers are urged to be cautious over the claimed high quality of licensed Pharmaceutical Products.”Most of the claims made would be false and baseless at least scientifically,” says an internationally respected expert in pharmaceutical standards and testing.

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Google Censorship Is a Danger to Public Health

Written by Jacob Siegel

The mass migration into full-time internet existence caused by the COVID-19 quarantines should remove any lingering doubts that online is real life—and any pretense that there’s an impermeable wall separating the two is a dangerous and quite possibly deadly illusion.

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An Arctic warming anomaly?

Written by Andy Rowlands

A couple weeks ago, the Danish Meteorological Institute recorded an unusual warming event in the Arctic. I had expected climate alarmists would have jumped on it as evidence of man-made warming, but they seem to have missed it.

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