New England Journal of Medicine: Chief Editor Marcia Angell MD., “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines.” Lancet Chief Editor Richard Horton, “…much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue … flagrant conflicts of interest … science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
A new study documents the dominance of internal variability in decadal-scale global temperature changes and suggests we may experience a global cooling trend during the next 15 or even 30 years despite rising greenhouse gases.
Tony Heller’s website is a one-stop-shop for exposing government agency data-fudging. For decades, NASA/NOAA has been cooling the past so as to create a fake warming trend — all in a desperate attempt to sustain their failing AGW theory.
Furthermore, and not to get too personal here, but why are the scientists at the heart of the fraud such slimy, thin-skinned wusses–desperate to evade scrutiny at all costs? What do they have to hide?
Local media showing the old-school value of the Fourth Estate. Unlike national media who have abandoned all pretense of journalism, there are still a few regional outlets who do the deep digging to discover the truth and reveal the lies.
As politicians and medical experts beclown themselves with their latest move to compel healthy citizens to mask up during the fake pandemic, the esteemed New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) puts it into a neat nutshell: masks are not the answer. They offer “little, if any protection” says the journal.
Even though the COVID-19 curve has been flattened, mainstream media outlets continue to push doomsday predictions of an impending explosion of deaths. According to Stanford University’s disease prevention chairman Dr. John Ioannidis, the COVID-19 fatality rate for those under the age of 45 is “almost zero,” and between the ages of 45 and 70, it’s somewhere between 0.05{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} and 0.3{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}.
Approximately 12,000 years ago, a massive meteor slammed into the three mile thick Canadian ice shield, ending a 100,000 year ice age, and causing the last great extinction, the Holocene Extinction. This event covered the northern hemisphere with a coating of nano-diamonds and resulted in the extinction of all large mammals in the northern hemisphere.
Despite standing behind their data and method used to conclude there is “no evidence of anti-Black [sic] or anti-Hispanic disparities across [fatal police] shootings,” a study’s authors want to retract their work because it contradicts the media narrative.
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology deleted what was long regarded as the hottest day ever recorded in Australia, Bourke’s 125°F (51.7°C) on Sunday, January 3, 1909.
This record* was deleted, falsely claiming that this was likely some sort of ‘observational error’, as no other official weather stations recorded high temperatures on that day.
Major documentary confirmation of something many of us have come to know for certain in recent times: the entire COVID-19 world-shutdown is part of a live training and simulation exercise run by the unscrupulous WHO and United Nations.
It’s hard to believe but America’s top Infectious Disease Doctor Anthony Fauci has been wrong on the coronavirus pandemic — Almost every step of the way!
Here is a list of fifteen key errors, contradictory statements and dangerous gaffes by NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci:
Below is an anonymous statement from an A&E (Emergency Room) consultant in a major hospital in Surrey, England in relation to the criminal gagging of all levels of NHS staff, who have been threatened that they will lose their jobs if they speak out about the COVID-1984 scamdemic.
We continue to hear warming horror stories coming from the island of New Zealand, and the socialist by sales pitch how “climate change is the biggest challenge of our time.”
Yet this doesn’t seem to be the case in New Zealand. For example, we learned from Electroverse here that the Pacific island country “just recorded its coldest June temperature in 5 years.”
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention now admits that a positive COVID-19 test result merely shows that the testee was once infected with the common cold and nothing more.
One way to quickly see if a coronavirus vaccine works would be to immunize healthy people and then deliberately expose them to the virus, some researchers are suggesting.
Proponents say this strategy, called a human challenge trial, could save time because rather than conducting tests the usual way — by waiting for vaccinated people to encounter the virus naturally — researchers could just infect them.
COVI-PASS will determine whether you can go to a restaurant, if you need a medical test, or are due for a talking-to by authorities in a post-COVID world. Consent is voluntary, but enforcement will be compulsory.