All day every day, the mainstream media continues to hammer home fear about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which supposedly is “spiking” all around the country. But according to new evidence, there are so many false positives being “mistakenly” reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by health officials that nobody can really say for sure what is actually true.
Yale epidemiology professor Dr. Harvey Risch told Fox News‘s “Ingraham Angle” that he thinks hydroxychloroquine could save 75,000 to 100,000 lives if widely used to treat COVID-19, and that it’s unfortunate that a “propaganda war” has been waged on the commonly prescribed drug which is not based on “medical facts.”
Written by Clifford Saunders, the Brain Reprogramming Doctor
Science is so far ahead of what we can even imagine it can do for us, it is simply unthinkable today that we would look no further than traditional medicine to heal everything that afflicts our body and troubles our mind, when we have all the information we need at our fingertips to make educated decisions on our wellbeing and the quality of our life.
We live in an increasingly irradiated environment (radiation soup) with all the smartphones, tablets, Wi-Fi networks, and cell towers and their microwave transmissions. People, especially teenagers and young people, are increasingly dying of brain cancer because of the increased exposure to EMF/RF radiation, according to RF Safe and The Telegraph.
Prominent Principia Scientific International scientist, Joseph E Postma and guest Noah J. Revoy discuss how Propertarian Law would provide for the ability to punish parasitical political pseudoscientific schemes such as climate change alarmism, and remove that pseudoscience from the educational, political, and public commons.
The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily of Principia Scientific
It is time to take the bull by the horns to conquer the Wuhan virus. Drastic action is necessary, like on December 8, 1941 after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
President Trump should order immediate public access to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) by making the medication available over-the-counter (OTC).
Despite media ridicule on the matter, independent scientists remain curious as to whether there is good reason to connect 5G, low blood oxygen and COVID-19. To help inform honest debate comes the emerging science of Magnetobiology.
Introduction On 23rd March 2020, Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the UK, announced to the nation that the SARS-Cov-2 virus outbreak was the “biggest threat this country has faced for decades”. [1]
Back in March, international best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, was the first medical doctor to describe the coronavirus scare as a hoax. Here he analyses the coronavirus hoax from its beginning and shows how governments have lied and endangered millions of lives.
What if COVID-19 has nothing at all to do with a virus? Has this fake pandemic capitalized on people’s ignorance of the true nature of acidosis, disease, viruses and terrain theory? Below we examine the medical opinion of Dr. Robert Young which ties in with Antoine Bechamp‘s terrain theory.
Disclaimer: The views of the author(s) are their own and not necessarily backed by Principia Scientific
Do you know that atmospheric oxygen is being denatured by microwave transmissions and that the amount of atmospheric oxygen has been depleted from 21% in 1950 to 16% now?
In case this was on your 2020 list of worries, the Earth’s magnetic field is not about to reverse itself. Strange behavior in the South Atlantic magnetic field can be traced back as far as 11 million years ago, and it’s unlikely to be linked to any impending reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field, researchers have found.
We live in a false paradigm reality, bounded by faux science, fake history, filtered news, financed by a fiat currency and directed by demonic warlords. This is a phrase I have repeated for decades, and as more pieces of the dystopia mosaic, the message is becoming undeniable for the unwashed masses.
There are people around who believe that if we all wear masks, obey the social distancing laws and become true slaves to the system, then everything will be back to normal by Christmas at the latest.
In the last 24 hours I have read, and been dismayed by, three articles by writers who believe that if we all behave properly, and do exactly as we are told to do, the coronavirus will slink off and all will be well with everyone back at work, the economy beginning to boom and the world well on its way to a recovery.
The UK faces a £200 billion bill to rewire the country if the government follows through on plans to electrify the country’s homes and transport systems.
That’s because the installation of electric car chargers and heat pumps will push up demand for power beyond the capacity of the existing wiring.
Never let a good crisis go to waste. This must surely be the motto of the peddlers of biometric tagging so governments can track your every move. Chris Burt over at explains why he and his ilk are licking their lips as techno-fascism descends upon the world: