While many scientists have hypothesized that oceans and solar activity play a role in earthquakes the evidence has been sketchy. But this new study relies on data about worldwide earthquakes and SOHO satellite proton measurements to determine a more reliable correlation.
At least three quarters of the human genome consists of non-functional, ‘junk DNA‘, according to a new study, and the actual proportion is likely to be even greater than that.
At this writing, there is a recent surge in widespread use by the public of facemasks when in public places, including for extended periods of time, in the United States as well as in other countries.
Friday 24th July was England’s official Mask Day as face coverings in public are made compulsory across the nation. But as we saw earlier this year in China, they have more symbolic than medical impact.
But why now? The data shows the death rate plummeting and we have “flattened the curve” (see euromomo.eu graph below) yet politicians belatedly mandate their use. This irrational new measure – after the event – is being exposed as purely political and the BBC are right behind the scam.
Robert Steele exposes how the New England Journal of Medicine sells out to Big Pharma and jumps on the mandatory vaccines band wagon with a shabby study by “intelligent idiots.”
Without even having to go into the pseudoscientific basis of it, climate alarm science politics would be defeated by reciprocity simply because it cannot satisfy the definitions.
Written by Kristin Rose Jutras and Kendall Daniels
Virginia Tech researchers have proven that a single gene can convert female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes into fertile male mosquitoes and identified a gene needed for male mosquito flight.
Male mosquitoes do not bite and are unable to transmit pathogens to humans. Female mosquitoes, on the other hand, are able to bite.
Dr. Anthony Fauci recently said he opposed conducting studies to determine whether face masks are effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Is it because he already knows that the studies would put the lie to the whole mask-mandate regime?
While the people of the western world occupy themselves wearing masks, pointing fingers and using so much hand sanitizer it literally kills them, the big world of Geo-Politics still ticks along, following the same tired old patterns with only slight variations in method. A modern twist, if you will.
Google News and the establishment media are attempting to frighten people today with claims that polar bears may go extinct by 2100. The claims are absolute rubbish and fail the laugh test.
BBC, CBS, New Scientist, the New York Times, and Science Alert are among the many media outlets hyping the scare today.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, a Dallas MD who previously advised Governor Rick Perry for 7 years has a lifesaving COVID breakthrough, that Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and Iceland are also using. The breakthrough is an inexpensive generic drug used to help asthmatics for more than 20 years, but the US and most of the world’s governments are using the WHO’s blind acceptance of the failed China strategy.
The wearing of masks has nothing to do with Health. It has nothing to do with Truth and real science. It is all about annihilating Freedom and forcing YOU to mindlessly follow the Deep State.
For Truth Freedom Health, WE must defy mask-wearing. It’s anti-Science, anti-Health, anti-Freedom. My video below provides the truth about masks.
It is remarkable that a series of events taking place over the past 3 months produced a unified message about hydroxychloroquine, and produced similar policies about the drug in the US, Canada, Australia, NZ and western Europe.
When telescopes became powerful enough to find planets orbiting distant stars, scientists were surprised to see that a lot of them didn’t have atmospheres like Earth’s. Instead, they appear to have thick blankets of hydrogen.
An important but so far overlooked study published by the British Medical Journal draws a devastating conclusion against the use of face masks. They are not recommended as protection against any respiratory infection. This would certainly also include COVID-19.