Author Archive

PubMed Study: Glutathione Deficiency Likely Cause of COVID-19 Deaths

Written by Qdini

What is Glutathione? Glutathione is your body’s most potent antioxidant. It is naturally created in your body from high sulphur foods (garlic, onions, broccoli, cabbage, etc). People with compromised immune systems (Cancer, other illnesses) and overweight folks with bad diets are notorious for having severe Glutathione deficiency.

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Video: Another Threatened, Persecuted Doctor Exposes COVID Lies

Written by John O'Sullivan

Honest, hard-working medical professionals disgusted at our corrupt governments for pushing the endless lies about the ‘dangerous’ COVID19 pandemic are increasingly speaking out. We salute them. But as they speak out, they are having their medical licenses suspended, careers threatened, incomes curtailed and reputations blighted.

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COVID Craziness: How Likely is a Second wave?

Written by Professor Paul Kirkham, Dr Mike Yeadon, Barry Thomas

Daily deaths from and with COVID-19 have almost ceased, having fallen over 99% from peak. All the numbers monitored carefully fall like this, too: the numbers being hospitalised, numbers in hospital, number in intensive care – all are falling in synchrony from the April peak.

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How To Make Poverty Expensive: Embrace Net-Zero

Written by John O'Sullivan

“Do you not know. my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed?” That’s a famous remark by a Swedish statesman, Axel Oxenstierna (1583-1654), one of the most celebrated men of his time who is now largely forgotten except by historians.

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E-MASK-ulation: The Lies They Keep Telling Us

Written by Daniel Horowitz

If you are looking for the scientific rationale behind universal mask-wearing, you certainly won’t find it now that the issue has become as political as guns, abortion, and taxes. We are now at a point where Canada’s chief public health officer is calling on people to wear masks when engaging in sexual activities and 19-month-old babies are being forced to wear them on airplanes.

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Fauci goes full pseudoscience for mother earth

Written by Climate Depot

Dr Anthony Fauci in new paper: “Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence…

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The Brothers Grim: Bill and Mike’s Pandemic Panopticon

Written by Alison McDowel

Bill and Melinda Gates have leading roles to play in the unfolding drama that is Covid-19. Everything seems to be advancing according to Davos’s plan. The soon-to-be trillionaire couple has provided useful cover for their fellow billionaires, the ones backstage pulling the ropes that will drop the Fourth Industrial Revolution scenery for the techno-fascist second act.

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