Democratic city councilman in New York City, says hydroxychloroquine saved his life when he was ravaged by coronavirus earlier this year.
“I couldn’t breathe, very weak, couldn’t get out of bed,” Paul Vallone, who represents the city’s 19th Council District, told the New York Post. ”My doctor prescribed it. My pharmacy had it. Took it that day and within two to three days I was able to breathe.”
First let’s check the deaths so far, that are officially attributed to COVID-19. I’m using the Worldometer website as source, it gives daily deaths. Comparing the US with the UK, France, Italy and Sweden we express them as deaths per million, or which some may prefer, as percentages. The UK – oddly enough – comes out top:
Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes fosteri) populations in 2019 were found to have grown by up to 10% since 2009 – to as many as 282,150 breeding pairs (up from about 256,500) out of a total population of over 600,000 birds (Fretwell et al. 2012; Fretwell and Trathan 2020; Trathan et al. 2020) – despite a loss of thousands of chicks in 2016 when an ice shelf collapsed.
Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef (pictured) is once again the excuse for extending Green control of all land and waters. The current scare concerns the quality of water draining into the Coral Sea. The Greens’ hidden agenda is to eliminate coastal agriculture, mining, and commercial fishing.
Some bad breath just can’t be covered up. Now that dentists have reopened their doors, they’re having patients show up with a nasty set of symptoms, which the doctors have dubbed “mask mouth.”
Recently, NFL Quarterback Matthew Stafford and Ohio Governor Mike Dewine recorded “false positives” after taking COVID-19 tests. Re-tests for both men showed that neither of them had the Chinese-based virus that has caused mass hysteria throughout the globe.
We need your urgent help to add your name to this important White House Petition to make the life-saving drug, Hydroxychloroquine, available over the counter (OTC) from pharmacies. As our loyal readers know, doctors have saved thousands of patients from dying with COVID-19 using HCQ. Please sign below today!
In a video interview two internationally-respected British doctors from the Centre For Evidence Based Medicine (University of Oxford) are very clear that there is no scientific basis to support mandatory mask wearing in public. In fact, they say it is possible that the policy may do more harm than good.
Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.
I don’t know if hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is effective against COVID. It’s disturbing that I, like many other Americans, feel that we won’t learn the truth from Dr. Fauci. A 2005 Virology Journal article by MJ Vincent and CDC’s Eric Bergeron et al, surfaced last week.
If hydroxychloroquine has successfully treated so many coronavirus patients, why do some studies still claim it doesn’t work? According to Dr. Stella Immanuel of the Rehoboth Medical Center in Houston, Texas, the answer is simple: Those studies are fake science.
(Natural News) For all of the hype surrounding future vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the World Health Organization’s (WHO) take on the situation is not at all promising.
During his organization’s latest briefing in Geneva, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom admitted publicly that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines will not work, and that a “cure” may never be found because there is supposedly “no silver bullet” for the plandemic.
Planet-forming environments can be much more complex and chaotic than previously expected. This is evidenced by a new image of the star RU Lup, made with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA).
All planets, including the ones in our Solar System, are born in disks of gas and dust around stars, so-called protoplanetary disks.
Early Mars may not have been quite the warm, wet paradise scientists have hoped for — not if the valleys scarring its surface work the same way as their counterparts here on Earth do.
That’s the conclusion of new research that tried to suss out what the Red Planet really looked like during its first billion years by analyzing more than 10,000 segments of valleys on Mars.
The rush to decarbonize every nation in the world in one or maybe two decades reflects the “I want it all NOW!” philosophy imbued through modern education systems.
Current and recent former students – and their teachers – demand a perfect world (since they can envision one) and exhibit zero patience (hence the nationwide riots in the U.S.).