Author Archive

Tell Congress to protect veterans from toxic burn pits

Written by Jon Stewart and John Feal

Hundreds of tons of waste produced on military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan were doused with jet and diesel fuels and burned in massive burn pits—as American soldiers lived, worked, and slept next to the toxic fumes. Now that they are home, hundreds of thousands veterans are sick and dying from lung diseases, cancers, and respiratory illnesses.

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The Psychology of Conspiracy Deniers

Written by Joseph E Postma

This is a good discussion following up on the “midwits” concept. The 120IQ midwit crowd will be the most enslaved people of all history and all time. At 120IQ the powers that be have found a solution for complete, utter, total, and permanent enslavement.

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Coronavirus – A Perspective from Britain Part 11

Written by Andy Rowlands

This article covers the first two weeks in September, but first, an item I only became aware of a few days ago.

On August 29th, the Metro newspaper carried an article saying a new SAGE report predicted up to 85,000 virus deaths over the winter, and that even more severe restrictions than we’ve seen so far would be introduced in November which might not be lifted until March 2021.

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Common Sense or a Risky Compulsory COVID Vaccine

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As the long-running ‘pandemic’ narrative moves into the Christmas period, politicians and government health officials are anxious to declare victory over the virus with an announcement of a vaccine panacea, but citizens and civil rights group are now seriously questioning whether or not a COVID-19 vaccine could ever be mandatory.

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COVID Protests: Speech at Trafalgar Square London: Sept 19, 2020

Written by Dr Carrie Nadej

Above, photo from the COVID Protest, Trafalgar Square London, Sept 19, 2020. Below, Dr Carrie Nadej’s Speech at the event:

Coming together in Unity and Freedom. A resounding NO, we should not accept it. London, you

know that there’s something not right in the World. You know that there have been lots of lies

and deceit and manipulation and misinformation going on.

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Denmark: Government Tells Citizens the Truth About HCQ

Written by John O'Sullivan

We reported yesterday on the astonishing success of the no lockdown, no mask policy in Denmark, a nation which has not suffered the rampant number of deaths from COVID19 seen in politically-biased US cities such as New York. Below is the official statement from the Danish Government revealing the truth about hydroxychloroquine, regarded by many thousands of doctors worldwide as a “game changer” in defeating the pandemic.

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Denmark: No Masks, No Distancing & Defeating COVID19

Written by Renée Filippone

Every seat in Jens Rodgaard’s Grade 5 class is full — there is no physical distance at all.  When a student raises their hand with a question, Rodgaard is by their side in an instant and leans in to help.

“You have to be around them and help them, help them with spelling, help them make choices, and for proper teaching we can’t do that with the distance,” Rodgaard said.

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Tests & ‘Positives’ Up, But Fewer Dead? End the Lockdowns!

Written by John O'Sullivan

The joke going around is very apt: COVID19 is the only deadly disease for which you need a test to discover if you have it. When the test comes back and it says you’re ‘positive’ but yet you feel fine,  they insist: “You’re ‘asymptomatic!’” It’s always ‘cases, cases, cases’, not deaths. Because no one is dying. Do you not see the fraud inflicted here?

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