The CDC continues to beclown itself. The radical politicized health organization admitted to randomly posting unproven guidance on the COVID-19 virus on their website.What a disgrace!
This comes after a report last week that the CDC included 5,692 intentional injuries and poisonings in their total US coronavirus death count.
The White House press conference of September 23rd 2020, featuring Dr. Scott Atlas, was an extraordinary thing to watch. Against a hostile media (of course), Atlas flat-out contradicted the CDC’s Dr. Redfield and taught the up-to-date science that the country needs to hear — the very research that Dr. Fauci had bizarrely tried, in his exchange with Rand Paul, to claim did not exist.
The retired former government scientist I have mentioned before, commented a few days ago about the apparent spike in virus cases and what it means. He expressed the following concerns:
The successful singer is releasing new tracks as he campaigns for live venues to operate with full audiences. His three new tracks are in response to the ongoing and insane UK government lockdown restrictions.
In last week’s post, I provided a quote from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy that encapsulated the gist of the scientific method: “[T]heories that are permanently immunized from falsification . . . can no longer be classified as scientific.”
Australian researcher into vaccines, Dr Judy Wilyman presents a selection of the evidence that supports the claim that vaccines are destroying the genetic fabric of society. She writes:
Russia news media are reporting that the country is sending out the initial batches of the world’s first registered coronavirus vaccine to all parts of its vast territory, as authorities test the delivery system of the much-needed drug.
A Japanese company that teamed up with Columbia University has developed a first-of-its-kind ultraviolet lamp that can kill the coronavirus without harming people’s health, according to a report.
Light equipment maker Ushio’s Care 222 UV lamp is expected to be used to disinfect heavily trafficked spaces where people run the risk of contracting the deadly bug, including buses, trains, elevators and offices, Japan Today reported.
The CDC last week released the latest survival rate figures from COVID19 and, as usual, complete silence from the mainstream media? The reason? Astonishingly LOW numbers of people dying from this pandemic.
The problem of solar panel waste is now becoming evident. As environmental journalist Emily Folk admits in Renewable Energy Magazine, “when talking about renewable energy, the topic of waste does not often appear.”
In reality, competition and one-upmanship is alive and well. From “pre-ordering” millions of doses of a — yet to be developed vaccine – against an already mutated pathogenic virus, to space exploration, sorry, I mean claims of possession, there is fierce competition on planet Earth, wherever you look.
With media solemnly spotlighting the passing of the 200,000 mark in deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the United States, a physicians association has a question.
“Why is the death rate about 75 percent lower in many countries?” asked Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
It was the kind of truck the Terminator might drive – at least when he needed extra cash. Sleek, silent, and faintly sinister, the Skynet-esque lorry, filmed speeding through an American desert in 2018, seemed proof of its maker’s technological prowess.
This article is the first in a multi-part series that aims to expose where at least some of the money is coming from to support the “climate change” movement while alerting readers to foreign interference in our grasp at energy independence.
Fraudulent scientific research is rife throughout the world due to the power of monetary influence wielded by Big Pharma, the giant cartel of multinational pharmaceutical corporations started over 100 years ago by the Rockefellers.
Believers of the Greenhouse Effect all use the same analogy to get you to believe in their junk science. The site Skeptical Science sets the standard in this article:
So have climate scientists made an elementary mistake? Of course not! The skeptic is ignoring the fact that the Earth is being warmed by the sun, which makes all the difference.