Tiny, tiny biosensors? From lexico.com: nanotechnology: “The branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules.”
Over six thousand scientists and doctors have already signed a petition against coronavirus lockdown measures, urging that those not in the at risk category should be able to get on with their lives as normal, and that lockdown rules in both the US and UK are causing ‘irreparable damage’.
Young children are scared. Millennials are in hysterics and mobilized. Adults are frightened and uncertain.
Politicians are feeding off the angst, enacting multi-billion-dollar public policies, and thinking about implementing multi-trillion-dollar plans, in an effort to appease the electorate under the guise of saving the planet and humanity.
Doctors are not using a licensed diagnostic tool to make the claim that all of the cases/deaths labelled as ‘COVID19’ were caused by a single new virus. They are using a RT-PCR test that specifically states “it is not a diagnostic tool for viral infections”.
Few people realize how essential eye examinations can be as part of preventative health care for more than just your eyesight.
Take for example a condition called Graves’ Disease that affects 0.5 percent of males and 3 percent of females. You probably haven’t heard of it but you probably have seen the obvious sign someone has it.
Though I don’t follow the news in the Netherlands much, I happened to see something the other day that I think is a “beautiful” example of why so many countries get their “measures” wrong, their lockdowns, facemasks etc.
The U.K.-based Lancet medical journal has denounced “medical racism” in the United States as part of purported ongoing “structural violence” present in the country.
Prompted by the observation that dramatic COVID-related reductions in 2020 human CO2 emissions had zero impact on the Earth’s CO2 concentration, two scientists conduct extensive statistical probability analyses to conclude temperature changes lead to CO2 changes, not the other way around.
Infamous data fraudster ‘world leading climate scientist’ Dr Michael E Mann who gave the world the iconic and influential ‘hockey stick’ graph to show man-made global warming ‘is real‘ is up to his old tricks again. This week the court-certified loserwas on 60 Minutes attacking President Trump with more lies.
Despite the bizarre and inexplicable things that have happened, and a barrage of lies which would embarrass Pinocchio, seemingly intelligent people still believe the chaos and confusion is through incompetence.
On Saturday 26th September, Dr Heiko Schoning (photo, above), was arrested in London’s Hyde Park after appearing at a protest in Trafalgar Square earlier in the day. Why was he arrested, rather than any other speaker? What does his arrest mean?
A team of University of Arkansas physicists has successfully developed a circuit capable of capturing graphene’s thermal motion and converting it into an electrical current.