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New Book Exposes Green Schemes And Junk Science

Written by Peter Foster

The world is now threatened with a Green Depression. Or it will be if governments — including Canada’s — go ahead with variants of a “Green New Deal” in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.

One of the great leftist perversions of history is the claim that, in the 1930s, FDR’s New Deal “saved capitalism from itself.”

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The Coming Carbon Lockdown

Written by Viv Forbes

The Covid Lockdown is a practice run for the big one – the Carbon Lockdown. If climate alarmists win the elections, our freedoms and prosperity will evaporate like CO2 from a warm beer.

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The ‘Great Reset’: Rule by Unelected ‘Experts’

Written by Marc Morano

C.S. Lewis: “I dread government in the name of science. That is how tyrannies come in.”

Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1961: “We must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

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What The Pandemic Has Taught Us About Science

Written by Matt Ridley

The Covid-19 pandemic has stretched the bond between the public and the scientific profession as never before.

Scientists have been revealed to be neither omniscient demigods whose opinions automatically outweigh all political disagreement, nor unscrupulous fraudsters pursuing a political agenda under a cloak of impartiality.

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Book Review: ‘The Sphinxing Rabbit: Her Sovereign Majesty’

Written by John O'Sullivan

Appearances can be deceptive. As in life, as in literature. Pauline Chakmakjian’s fascinating new book cleverly employs the uncomplicated literary idiom of the fable to reveal how science and technology is cunningly deployed against us by the state.

The Sphinxing Rabbit: Her Sovereign Majesty is no less a sobering premonition than George’s Orwell’s Animal Farm when you understand just how relatable the story is to our current trials and tribulations, including the coronavirus pandemic.

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COVID19 Hospital Beds Scam – update

Written by Andy Rowlands

Here is an update to my previous article, with additional quotes from our anonymous retired government scientist:

I have alerted folk to the blurring of the distinction between admissions proper and inpatients showing up as positive cases if they happen to be tested during their stay. What I am going to do in this simple slide is nail the point home by calculating the ratio of inpatient COVID-19 cases to COVID-19 admissions proper for the period March – September.

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A Dark Truth Behind the Green New Deal & COVID-19

Written by Matthew Ehret

In recent months an effort to unleash a green transformation of the global order has taken the form of the “Green New Deal” promoted by many of the same financial interests from London and Wall Street which did much to bring civilization to the brink of a new financial blowout which will make 1929 look like a cake walk.

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Beware ‘The Great Reset’ For A Post-COVID World

Written by Maurice Newman

A lasting side-effect of Covid-19 is the universal growth of state power. Despite global death rates peaking last April and immunity building even without a vaccine, authoritarian leaders are clinging to their recently acquired powers.

No doubt they view individual freedom as an optional extra not an inalienable right and want their new powers to become a normal part of governing. The Victorian government is legislating to that effect.

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German Prof: Climate Science is Politicized ‘Fairy Tales’

Written by Pierre Gosselin

German professor, a co-founder of the modern environmental movement, says climate science is exaggerated, filled with fairy tales, and believes the Paris Accord is “already dead.”

In an interview with publicist Roland Tichy, Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt – one of the founders of Germany’s modern environmental movement – said we have in fact three generations time to revamp the world’s energy supply system to one that is cleaner and sustainable.

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What the Term ‘Medical Mafia’ Means

Written by Paul Fassa

In case your wondering why the term “Medical Mafia” is used occasionally to describe the unholy trinity of AMA (American Medical Association), FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and Big Pharma, here’s a brief historical summary.

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