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18 Reasons to forgo flu vaccinations this year

Written by Gary G. Kohls, MD

In response to the inevitable ad campaigns recommending that “everyone over age 6 months” needs to go to their local hospital, clinic or pharmacy to get their “routine” annual flu shots, I submit below 17 published medical journal articles that have been so ignored and/or censored-out of the mainstream media that most physicians, PAs, nurses, appointment secretaries and, especially, clinic and hospital management are unaware of their existence.

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The cyclical nature of climate change

Written by Jean de Climont

The curve of the population of France since Antiquity shows successive periods of growth followed by impressive falls. The first phenomenon is a fairly high growth until around the year 350. The French population doubled between -100 BC and 300 AD.

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Water Discovery on Moon Means a ‘Go’ for New Lunar Base

Written by Victoria Gill

Having dropped tantalising hints days ago about an “exciting new discovery about the Moon“, the US space agency has revealed conclusive evidence of water on our only natural satellite.

This “unambiguous detection of molecular water” will boost Nasa’s hopes of establishing a lunar base. The aim is to sustain that base by tapping into the Moon’s natural resources.

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Infectious Disease Experts See Sharp Drop in Influenza Cases

Written by Daniel Payne

Even as worries persist over increasing COVID-19 cases in the United States, cases of another virus — influenza — have plummeted relative to their number a year ago.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s FluView influenza tracker lists an influenza-positive test percentage of 0.3% for week 42 of 2020 — a total of 33 positive tests out of 10,809 specimens. That’s down sharply from 2.4% during the same week last year.

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London COVID Protests: ‘Shove Your New World Order Up Your *ss!’

Written by John O'Sullivan

As each week passes and another Saturday sees more anti-lockdown protesters take to the streets of London, the message is clear: EVERYONE must wake up to the medical and scientific tyranny befalling us.

In a Breitbart London exclusive video, protesters were seen singing: “I would rather be a human than a slave”, “We are the 99 per cent”, and “You can shove your New World Order up your ass”.

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Fear Secures Obedience in COVID-19 War

Written by Dr. Joseph Mercola

A famous quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt is “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He understood that fear is ultimately what strips us of our human rights and drives a society into totalitarianism, and that the only way to circumvent such a fate is to bravely resist fear. Today, one of the biggest threats (or so we’re told) is a global pandemic.

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We have only two choices with the virus

Written by Tom Woods

Remember when Dr. Fauci was telling us that we were too stupid to do lockdowns right, and that Italy did it the correct way?

“When we shut down as a nation,” he said in July, “in reality only about 50% of the nation shut down … In many of the European countries, 90, 95% of all activities were shut down. So that is one of the reasons why [in Italy] the cases came down…and then stayed.”

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New studies show politics, not science, is driving lockdown policies

Written by Joel B Pollak

According to the non-partisan education news website The 74, the two factors most closely correlated with school re-openings are the share of the local vote that went to President Donald Trump in 2016, and the degree to which teachers belong to unions.

Lower support for Trump tends to be correlated with longer school closures, and higher union concentration is also correlated with longer school closures — though correlation is not necessarily causation.

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Censorship of Public Health Science

Written by Judy Wilyman PhD

Since my PhD on the Control of Infectious Diseases in Australia was published in January 2016 my research has been ridiculed, denigrated and censored by the mainstream media. The Australian government and medical-industry representatives have contributed to this denigration and there has been no public debate of this scientific information.

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