A large communications satellite has broken up in orbit, affecting users in Europe, Central Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia, and adding to the growing swarm of space junk clouding our planet’s neighbourhood.
Dr. McCullough joins Terrance Bates on Real America’s voice to remind Americans that preparation must occur BEFORE the next public health or weather emergency.
The Biden HHS National Action Plan on Long-COVID spent a billion US dollars on long-COVID research with a blunderous approach failing to consider the cause of long-COVID syndrome was retention of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein in the human body.
In 2020 with the onset of The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity there began a series of psychological and physical assaults against populations around the world.
In my recent appearance on “The Jimmy Dore Show,” we discussed how mitochondrial dysfunction, caused by modern toxins, is at the root of many diseases.
The surge in climate-related lawsuits against Big Oil, like the one discussed in The Guardian and the legal battle initiated by Chicago, is presented as a fight for environmental justice.