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More Scientists Discover COVID-19 is NOT a New Pathogen

Written by Celia Farber

War has broken out in the scientific literature that strikes at the existential core of Covid-19 and its proposed causative virus.

At the heart of the controversy lies the fact that the creators of the most commonly used test, the RT-PCR, published instructions for how to test for SARS-CoV-2 “without having virus material available,” in their own words, relying instead on the Chinese scientists’ genetic sequence published on the internet.

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Operation Warp Speed Boss Admits New Vaccine Has ‘Significant Side Effects’

Written by Mac Slavo

Dr. Moncef Slaoui, who is leading the Trump administration’s Covid-19 vaccine program Operation Warp Speed, and a COVID Czar admitted that the vaccine for this statistically irrelevant virus has “significant side effects.” These side effects will sicken 10-15% of people probably worse than if they were to contract the virus in the first place.

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Dr Vernon Coleman: Observations on The Pandemic Fraud

Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

  1. ScrewYouTube has apparently taken down my very first video (published on March 18th 2020 and entitle `Coronavirus Scare: The Hoax of the Century’) which had received more than 1,000,000 views in its various forms. They didn’t warn me or tell me – they just quietly removed it.

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Do You Know These Scientific Pioneers?

Written by Tom Siegfried

It’s easy to name science and math geniuses. I can just flip open my old book from the 1960s, which lists “100 Great Scientists”; it contains all the names you’d find on most popular lists of scientific geniuses: Einstein, Newton, Maxwell, Gauss, Bohr, Archimedes, Darwin, Galileo, and 92 others.

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‘The Contagion Myth’ – New Book Exposing COVID-19 Fallacies

Written by John O'Sullivan

As a preface to the bookThe Contagion Myth‘ authored by Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell, Sally Fallon Morell provides an excellent introduction to the problems the medical community is grappling with over so-called infectious diseases such as COVID-19.

Below is Sally’s preface to her book to help inform readers as to this enigmatic topic.

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Here’s Why You Should Skip the Covid Vaccine

Written by Mike Whitney

Peter Doshi, associate editor of the British Medical Journal and assistant professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy warns:

“The world has bet the farm on vaccines as the solution to the pandemic, but the trials are not focused on answering the questions many might assume they are.”

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Did a 9th planet ‘escape’ billions of years ago?

Written by Chris Ciaccia

Scientists have found evidence to suggest that another world once existed between Uranus and Saturn.

While much of the effort involved in tracking down the rumored ‘Planet Nine’ has focused on exploring the outer reaches of our solar system, some researchers believe that there may in fact have once been a sizable planet much closer to home, somewhere between the orbits of Uranus and Saturn.

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COVID Fraud: Study Exposing Death Toll Lies Mysteriously Disappears

Written by Joe Hoft

Johns Hopkins University keeps a tracker of covid cases around the world and the US.  This site is used to scare people into staying in their homes and shut off from the real world.  So when a study from Johns Hopkins comes out, showing no increase in deaths in 2020 related to prior years, the study has to be taken down.

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Are PCR Tests Secret Vaccines?

Written by John O'Sullivan

Concern is growing that an innovative nanotech device developed at Johns Hopkins University may be used to secretly deliver the COVID19 vaccine to those people who are “vaccine hesitant.”

Certainly, the technology is real, but is their any merit to such a claim?

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