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Proof Netflix Faked Plunging Walrus Climate Deaths

Written by Dr Susan Crockford

In a new GWPF video, Dr. Susan Crockford, a Canadian wildlife expert, provides new evidence that the 2019 Netflix documentary film series, ‘Our Planet’, withheld facts behind the controversial walrus story it promoted as evidence of climate change.

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Belief Driven Physics

Written by Herb Rose

Observation and experimentation establish our beliefs in what is true and what is false. However, how we interpret what we observe is also determined by what we believe. The more evidence we find supporting our beliefs the greater our conviction that what we believe is true.

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Trust the science we are told. Really?

Written by Andy Rowlands

On November 13th 2020, the respected British Medical Journal published a scathing attack on the government’s handling of the virus situation, and in particular, the way they appear to be deliberately suppressing medical science to pursue an agenda which, rather than helping protect the British public, seems designed to do just the opposite.

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Shocking Affidavit: How Big Tech Stole the U.S. Presidential Election

Written by John O'Sullivan

This week, President Trump’s legal team  presented evidence it claims will prove that democracy itself – not just the 2020 US Election – was ‘stolen’ using a sophisticated Big Tech conspiracy. The magnitude of the claim is so great  the case will likely go all the way to the Supreme Court.

This issue also involves complexities in the application of science and technology, so we believe it deserves airing among our readers. Below, we reproduce official testimony from one of the cyber security expert witnesses in the case.

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Pfizer Vaccine Volunteers Reporting ‘Severe Hangover’ Side Effects

Written by Lynn Allison

The more than 43,000 volunteers in six countries who participated in the clinical trials of Pfizer’s vaccine candidate reported that it left them feeling hungover. On Monday, the pharmaceutical giant announced that its vaccine was more than  90% effective in preventing COVID-19 and will pursue emergency use approval by the Food and Drug Administration.

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One crisp winter morning in Sweden

Written by Eddie Peters

One crisp winter morning in Sweden, a cute little girl named Greta woke up to a perfect world, one where there were no petroleum products ruining the earth. She tossed aside her cotton sheet and wool blanket and stepped out onto a dirt floor covered with willow bark that had been pulverized with rocks.

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COVID19 vaccine should be avoided at all cost

Written by Unknown Author

For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called last generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which represents the genetic manipulation, something that was already forbidden and until then considered criminal.

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The Science Says It’s Time to Say ‘No’ to COVID19 Diktat

Written by Brandon Smith

With the presidential election highly contested and the mainstream media hyping the rising infection numbers, the public is now facing important questions regarding the future of the pandemic response.

Some U.S. states have decided to unilaterally introduce “executive orders” to restrict citizen movements, business openings and public activities.

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Scottish NHS Nurse Punished for Exposing Scamdemic

Written by John O'Sullivan

According to the Daily Mail, NHS colleagues reported Tracey McCallum to bosses at Crosshouse Hospital in Ayrshire, Scotland, after she turned a whistleblower over pandemic, vaccine and face mask lies and misinformation. She is now suspended from working as a nurse.

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