Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. was born in Portland, Oregon, and grew up in Southern Africa. He has a masters degree in biology, an M.D. from Dartmouth Medical School, and completed his pediatric residency at the University of California, San Diego.
According to a new CDC report, almost 3,150 people who were administered the COVID-19 vaccine were paralyzed and were “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work and required care from doctor or health care professional.”
Across the country hospital administrators are facing unexpected push-back from employees on the issue of the covid vaccine. More and more are refusing to take it, with at least one hospital CEO mentioning “mistrust” and fear. Why?
You probably saw it. A young Tennessee nurse on live TV takes a COVID-19 vaccine shot and passes out within seconds. Thereafter, stories emerged that she had died from complications. Counter stories denounce such ‘fake news’ because the nurse, Tiffany Dover, re-appeared in a brief video at work. Or did she? Now come claims of a stand in ‘body double.’
Over the course of the past month, we have amassed a plethora of prima facie evidence, which proves that the defendants in the UK Private Criminal Prosecution are responsible for COVID-1984 and are guilty of multiple acts of pandemic fraud.
CNN has the story. And it’s quite a story: “Why vaccinate our most frail? Odd vote out shows the dilemma”, December 4. [1] “The vote to recommend long-term care residents be among the first to receive Covid-19 vaccinations was not unanimous.”
One new historical development that has been evolving over a few years and now brought into focus because of COVID-19, is the so-called “Spanish Flu” of 1918. Recurring reports and documentation are emerging to tell us that this ‘Greatest Pandemic in History’ was[1] not “Spanish”,[2] not “the flu” and,[3] not a natural occurrence but the result of human tinkering with vaccines.
This article covers the first half of December. Above is the chart from the BBC virus webpage for the number of new cases in the UK up to December 15th. This first item came in too late to be included in the previous article. On the 30th November, the London Economic website reported the Government’s vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi as saying pubs and restaurants could demand to know if a customer has received a coronavirus jab before allowing them in.
Despite sea level rise, a 2019 global analysis (Duvat, 2019) found 89% of 709 island coasts have been either stable or growing in size in recent decades.
A new Maldives-only study (Duvat, 2020) finds rapid (>3 to >50%) coastal growth in 110 of 186 Maldives islands from 2005 to 2016. Just five islands – 2.7% – actually contracted in size during this period.
WASHINGTON, D.C, December 21, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Official documents from the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) record that 13 people died during trials of the Moderna vaccine, while the FDA has also issued a new warning regarding Bell’s Palsy as a potential effect of the vaccine.
Professor Neil Ferguson has been confirmed to be advising Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government on coronavirus, despite officially resigning in May for breaching his own lockdown restrictions to meet with his married lover.
Some of the injections currently in development could increase the risk of acquiring human immunodeficiency virus, warned a group of researchers in The Lancet medical journal, potentially leading to an increase in infections as injections are rolled out to vulnerable populations around the world.
Among the top Google News search results today under “climate change, the UK Guardian and other media outlets are claiming a new atlas of bird habitats shows global warming is “pushing” birds further north. The atlas itself, however, tells a completely different story.
Most European governments instituted the shutdown of economies, restrictions on freedom of movement and other policies known as lockdown. This was allegedly in response to the spread of Sars-Cov-2, a dangerous respiratory virus that originated in Wuhan, China.