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BIG LIE: Most Scientists Agree Climate Change Man-Made, Urgent & Dangerous

Written by Dr. John Robson


There are so many empty slogans out there I wish we could tackle all of them at once. But the “97% of scientists agree” is surely the elephant in the room.

Lots of people have tried to rebut it by dismissing the notion of consensus itself, or by praising the historical examples of renegade scientists who went against a prevailing consensus and turned out to be right.

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Top NASA Climate Scientist, Gavin Schmidt, in Sex/Drugs Cover Up?

Written by John O'Sullivan

NASA GISS Administrator Gavin Schmidt is alleged to have a hidden criminal record according to a former colleague and friend at NASA. Climatologist, Dr Duane Thresher made the revelation about his former friend this week to Climate Depot’s Marc Morano and Principia Scientific International’s John O’Sullivan.

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Eggs, diabetes and Chinese adults

Written by Dr Zoe Harcombe PhD

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition was called “Higher egg consumption associated with increased risk of diabetes in Chinese adults.” One particular claim made global news headlines “people who regularly consumed one or more eggs per day (equivalent to 50 grams) increased their risk of diabetes by 60 per cent.”

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COVID Insanity: Mask Wearing Almost Kills 4-Year-Old

Written by Brian Shilhavy

Infuriated medical doctor on video condemns the insanity of making children wear masks after a 4-year-old comes close to death from prolonged mask wearing.

Dr. Eric Nepute in St. Louis took time to record a video he wants everyone to share, after the child of one of his patients almost died from a bacterial lung infection caused by prolonged mask use.

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VIDEO: Armed police raid Doctors livestream on COVID19!

Written by Reverend Simon Sideways

Watch in real time as German ARMED police smash their way into the home of a Doctor holding a livestream about COVID 19.

We live in very dangerous times when just sharing medical and scientific information that conflicts with government propaganda provokes this kind of fascist thuggery.

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The Triumph of Mankind Over the Great Reset

Written by Joaquin Flores

In The Dystopic Great Reset and the Fight Back: Population Reduction and Hope for the Children of Men , our Part I, we developed on our previous essays on planned obsolescence and the problems of the old paradigm as we enter the 4th Industrial Revolution.

We looked at how several science fiction works like ‘The Virus’ and ‘Children of Men’ in culture actually predicted and lent to us an understanding the new reified nightmare being built around us.

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A Pandemic? The People Decide in Berlin, Germany, August 01, 2020

Written by Michael Joseph

They came in their hundreds of thousands. Over the previous months, since early April, there had been many demonstrations all over Germany, in the large cities, but also small towns. Gradually, the self-named “Querdenken” (Lateral-Thinkers) organised for what they hoped would be a gigantic demonstration in the capital, Berlin.

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