Participants in Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials can’t stop blabbing. The media is overflowing with testimonials explaining “Why I Volunteered” or “What It Was Like To Participate In The Clinical Trial For Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine.”
“Truly striking.” “Tremendous.” “Extraordinary.” “Miraculous.” “A great day for science and humanity.” Those are just a few of the hyperbolic responses from government health officials and Big Pharma cheerleaders to preliminary COVID vaccine trial data released by Pfizer and Moderna this past week.
According to such Great Reset luminaries as Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Carney, and the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab, humanity is expected to solve the dual threat of COVID and global warming in one revolutionary sweeping reform.
A great deal of conflicting information has emerged about the immune response that develops in patients who have recovered from Covid-19. A recent study in the UK showed declining antibodies in more than 350,000 people, leading to headlines that immunity wanes rapidly just months after infection.
Here is a video – Warning for Humanity: the COVID-19 Vaccine – that describes the new technology that is in the COVID-19 vaccine (fast-tracked and untested for safety) that will enable governments to collect our biometric data (personal identification) after vaccination.
LONDON (AP) — AstraZeneca and Oxford University on Wednesday acknowledged a manufacturing error that is raising questions about preliminary results of their experimental COVID-19 vaccine.
In the name of Covid, the State has already thrust itself into every corner of our existence. It has come between husbands and wives at the ends of their lives. It has forbidden the old to embrace their grandchildren.
Some physicians are more than robotic, pill pushing clinicians, some are medical scientists. One such doctor was Dr Robert O Becker, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at the Veterans Administration hospital, affiliated with Syracuse University.
Maldives, the most dispersed country on the planet with 1,192 island spread over roughly 90,000 square kilometers, already has 11 airports, including three international airports. The government has contracted both local and international companies to develop additional domestic airports across the archipelago in a bid to boost tourism. (1)
Remember when the CDC credited masks for bringing down “cases” in Arizona?
When they say ridiculous things like this, they give the green light to people who want to blame their neighbors for rises in cases. “Why, since we know masks work, the rise in cases must be because of you stupid anti-science people who refuse to wear them!”
The restoration of a soot-filled ancient Egyptian temple has revealed the previously unknown names of ancient Egyptian constellations, according to experts in Germany and Egypt.
The restoration has also uncovered the gorgeous original colors the ancient Egyptians painted the 2,000-year-old temple.
What I call the “climate scam” is the proposition that human use of fossil fuels will shortly bring about a catastrophic increase in atmospheric temperatures and that this crisis can easily be averted by governments in a few rich countries, with about 10% of the world’s population, imposing crippling coercive restrictions and cost increases on fossil fuel use while also massively subsidizing alternative “renewable” energy sources.
The Arecibo Observatory, America’s largest radio telescope, is to be blown up after the National Science Foundation decided recent damage has left it too dangerous to repair.
In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 “war on terror” are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting “vaccine hesitancy” and information related to Covid-19 that runs counter to their state narratives.
“Great Reset” mastermind Klaus Schwab suggests a number of draconian measures for controlling the population under the umbrella of the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’, including risk-assessment brain scans to cross borders and implantable chips to read people’s thoughts.