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UK Government COVID19 Fraud Now Growing Exponentially!

Written by Andrew Mather

The UK Government is perpetratring a monumental lie during the COVID19 pandemic by declaring that official government policy is that contagions are exponential. No pandemic disease ever recorded has witnessed exponential contagion. This numbers fix is criminality perpetrated at the highest levels of power.

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One of biology’s biggest mysteries ‘largely solved’ by AI

Written by Helen Briggs

One of biology’s biggest mysteries has been solved using artificial intelligence, experts have announced. Predicting how a protein folds into a unique three-dimensional shape has puzzled scientists for half a century.

London-based AI lab, DeepMind, has largely cracked the problem, said the organisers of a scientific challenge.

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COVID19 Testing in Tatters As Fake Science is Exposed

Written by Howard Steen & Saji Hameed

The consequences of false positives: PART 1 – BACKGROUND (HOWARD STEEN)

It seemed in January that the world was facing an impending epidemic caused by a deadly new virus and that a swift response based on inevitably limited data was of the utmost importance to avert a potential global catastrophe.

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A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19

Written by Yanni Gu

According to new data, the U.S. currently ranks first in total COVID-19 cases, new cases per day and deaths. Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master’s degree program at Hopkins, critically analyzed the effect of COVID-19 on U.S. deaths using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in her webinar titled “COVID-19 Deaths: A Look at U.S. Data.”

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What Happened to Google’s Plan to Scan Millions of University Books?

Written by Jennifer Howard

It was a crazy idea: Take the bulk of the world’s books, scan them, and create a monumental digital library for all to access. That’s what Google dreamed of doing when it embarked on its ambitious book-digitizing project in 2002. It got part of the way there, digitizing at least 25 million books from major university libraries.

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The Strangely Unscientific Masking of America

Written by Jenin Younes

I remember vividly the day, at the tail end of March, when facemasks suddenly became synonymous with morality: either one cared about the lives of others and donned a mask, or one was selfish and refused to do so. The shift occurred virtually overnight.

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Mars Was Once Hit By Flood of Unthinkable Proportions

Written by Sputnik

The fourth planet from the Sun is the most studied planet after Earth, yet now and then astrophysicists discover something new. The researchers who conducted this study say their finding could answer the long-standing question of whether the Red Planet ever hosted life.

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