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COVID Cover Up? NHS Spends £2M On Gagging Orders on Staff

Written by David Hughes


Hospitals have spent £2 million on more than 50 gagging orders preventing staff speaking out, a Freedom of Information Act request has revealed.
Tory MP Steve Barclay, who obtained the figures, accused NHS chief Sir David Nicholson of either failing to ask questions about the orders or being “complicit in a cover-up”.

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The COVID ‘experts’ are misleading us, Exhibit Z

Written by Tom Woods


Until 2020, I had no idea just what a racket “public health” was, and what a bunch of control freaks and incompetents — a terrifying combination — were in charge of it.

Here’s a small example, from yesterday:
The Centers for Disease Control published a Tweet that included this line, along with a link to an article about Delaware: “In Delaware, universal mask use helped reduce #COVID19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.”

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Climate Change Causation And The Scientific Method

Written by Francis Menton

Let’s have yet another go at trying to apply the scientific method to the subject of causation of climate change. This is just basic logic, and not that complicated. We can do it.

As simple and basic as this is, you will shortly see that the agglomeration of all of the world’s leading “climate scientists” can’t figure it out. They are completely lost and befuddled. Check me and see if I’m wrong.

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Greenhouse Gas Theory ‘Toy Models’ Debunked

Written by Joseph E Postma

In this video we will examine the concept of free body diagrams, sometimes known as “toy models” and how these can be used for doing physics. We also learn how they cannot be used for physics, i.e., when they do not represent anything that actually exists, then they cannot model anything that exists and they will only extrapolate things which do not exist.

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Top Lab Test Expert: COVID-19 Virus ‘Does NOT Exist’

Written by John O'Sullivan

Scientists are realising that claims of the COVID-19 virus having been isolated and proven to exist are based on a made-up definition of “virus-isolation.”

In his latest article, Saeed Qureshi PhD, a former senior scientist at Health Canada, calls out the fakery and reveals what more experts are now confirming world wide. We have been scammed.

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An Innovative Medical Backpack Deserving Investment?

Written by John O'Sullivan

From time to time Principia Scientific International showcases novel innovations hitherto kept under the radar by the mainstream. Below, we have pleasure in giving Timothy Gard a platform for wider discussion and consideration of his new hypothermia back pack.

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Koen Vogel PhD: Causes of Climate Change

Written by Koen Vogel PhD

Loyal readers of the PSI news page will have noticed a predominance of articles opposing the mainstream view that increases in atmospheric CO2 are causing the Earth to warm. Such articles suffer some major disadvantages: they are usually very technical and highly specialist, and one needs to be a polymath too understand them all.

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