Author Archive

Koen Vogel PhD: Causes of Climate Change

Written by Koen Vogel PhD

Loyal readers of the PSI news page will have noticed a predominance of articles opposing the mainstream view that increases in atmospheric CO2 are causing the Earth to warm. Such articles suffer some major disadvantages: they are usually very technical and highly specialist, and one needs to be a polymath too understand them all.

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Green Industries and Their Astronomical Costs

Written by Jack Dini

Amid hundreds of graphs, charts, and tables in the latest World Energy Outlook report, the percentage of total global primary energy demand provided by wind and solar is 1.1 percent. The policy mountains have labored and brought forth not just a mouse, but, as the report reluctantly acknowledges, and enormously disruptive mouse. (1)

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Mass Deception: Dietary Supplements or Unsafe, Unproven Vaccines?

Written by Bill Sardi

The dietary supplement industry has gone missing in action in the face of the biggest-man made public health crisis in history. What is really going on here?

The opportunity of a lifetime came to the dietary supplement industry when the World Health Organization announced a (pre-planned) pandemic caused by a newly mutated virus that the whole world population had no immunity against and for which there were no proven vaccines or medicines.

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A private-public partnership that created a pandemic: Part 1

Written by Dr Urmie Ray

Part 1: The Rise of the partners  In 2010, the British government set up a seven-member Behavioural Insight Team, whose aim is “finding intelligent ways to encourage, support and enable people to make better choices for themselves”[1] or to quote its website, “improve people’s lives and communities”.[2]

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Why are there Fewer Nutrients in Our Food?

Written by Mary Lowther

(OMNS Dec 20, 2020) Why do we seldom hear about the deteriorating quality of nutrition in our food crops? A recent article, quoting from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2000 food tables, reports that between 1963 and 2000 the nutrient content in all types of fruits and vegetables had declined by up to 50% and continues to decline. [1]

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The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine

Written by Catherine Austin Fitts

I was an investment banker until politics made it impossible to continue to practice my art. I was trained as a portfolio strategist—so I map my world by watching the financial flows and allocation of resources. I was also trained as a conspiracy generator and foot soldier—conspiracies being the fundamental organizing principle of how things get done in our world.

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Wuhan Shocker: Almost No Asymptomatic Positives in 10m COVID-19 Tests

Written by Bud Bromley

Newly released study in Nature: Out of 10 million people screened only 300 were asymptomatic positive. This is a very low rate of asymptomatic disease. [1]

A main reason for this lockdown, and the main reason behind healthy people wearing masks, was asymptomatic transmission. According to this large study, asymptomatic transmission is not a problem. Does the New Year’s Eve photo above – contrasting Wuhan to Times Square – now start to make sense to you?

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Doctors See Red Flags in Suspicious Pfizer Vaccine Study

Written by Yves Smith

Reader IM Doc, an internal medicine practitioner of 30 years, trained and worked in one of the top teaching hospitals in the US for most of his career before moving to a rural hospital in an affluent pocket of Flyover. He has been giving commentary from the front lines of the pandemic.

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Maskless NYE crowds shout ‘Covid is a hoax’ outside UK hospital

Written by John O'Sullivan

New Year’s crowds in London, England, most without face diapers, protested outside a major hospital as official data reveals only 13,844 actual COVID-19 infections nationwide were recorded in the WHOLE of 2020.

Desperate to quell  mass awakening to the fraud, the lying media reports of Dr Matthew Lee, a
junior A&E doctor being left ‘heartbroken’ on seeing the maskless crowd gathered at St Thomas’ Hospital in London on December 31.

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The Meaningless Meaning of ‘COVID Cases’

Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser


COVID-19 here and COVID-19 there.  Each day, we’re bombarded (I’d say ad nauseam) with reports and news of more COVID-19 “cases,” whatever that term means.

You’d think that this term would be well defined, here, there and everywhere. I wish you luck in finding a standard, generally accepted definition of it. If you succeed, please let me know.

But, don’t despair, there’s a cure for it. Big Pharma is “on the case.”

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Breaking: UK Govt’s OWN NUMBERS Expose Their COVID19 Fraud!

Written by John O'Sullivan

The mainstream media claims more than 50,000 Brits have died ‘with‘ COVID19. But official government data proves only 13,844 people were actually infected by the disease in the whole of 2020.

The official hard evidence provided below is inescapable. Ministers had this data all along and lied. It proves the political class are knowingly wrecking the UK economy as well as the livelihoods and health of 65 million citizens.

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2020: Worst Year Ever? You’re Joking, Right?

Written by Charles Hugh Smith

So party on, because “the worst year ever” is ending and the rebound of financial markets, already the greatest in recorded history, will only become more fabulous.

Of the lavish banquet of absurdities laid out in 2020, one of the most delectable is Time magazine’s December 14 cover declaring that 2020 was the “worst year ever. You’re joking, right? In history’s immense tapestry of human misery, it’s not even in the top 100 worst years.

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