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More Covid Fake News from Germany

Written by Karma Singh


On January 12, 2021, the newspaper “Bild Zeitung” (nearest British equivalent, “The Sun” and in the USA that would be “The National Enquirer”) published the above article claiming that “mass deaths in England and Wales are nearing those of the Spanish Flu of 1918/19”.

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So Far 27 Studies Prove Lockdowns Have Little to No Effect

Written by Brumby, reformatted by John O'Sullivan

Studies since March 2020 have documented and assessed the impacts of mass quarantining of healthy populations, a policy never attempted before in modern medicine. A precept in medicine is first do no harm, but lockdowns are proven to do much harm for little or no good.

Below we cite 27 published papers finding that lockdowns had little or no efficacy (despite unconscionable harms) along with a key quote or two from each.

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Effects of lockdowns for a virus with a 99 percent survival rate

Written by Andy Rowlands

On January 3rd 2021, the Humans are Free website published an editorial about an article Dr Jay Bhattacharya of the Stanford University School of Medicine, had written entitled “Facts, not fear, will stop the pandemic.” It details the devastating results on economies and populations the lockdowns cause.

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Popular UK Medical Doctor Denounces Lockdown Lunacy

Written by John O'Sullivan

More and more of the great and the good in medicine and science are making their voices heard as evidence masses that lockdowns are causing more deaths, misery and hardship than the COVID-19 virus they are intended to defeat.

BBC broadcaster (for now!) and NHS medical doctor Dr Renee Hoenderkamp uses Twitter to add her voice to the growing dissent among experts.

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The US attorney who smashes COVID restrictions

Written by Tom Woods

In the midst of all the COVID nuttiness, something quite nice happened the other day. In 2002, attorney Chris Ferrara and I wrote The Great Facade, a book about the Second Vatican Council and the craziness in the Catholic Church that followed in its wake.

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New handheld device detects unwanted trace chemicals

Written by Cory Nealon, University of Buffalo

Improvements to chemical sensing chip  aims to quickly and accurately identify drugs and other trace chemicals.

The chip, which also may have uses in food safety monitoring, anti-counterfeiting and other fields where trace chemicals are analyzed.

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UK’s First COVID Face Mask Discrimination Claimant Wins £7,000

Written by Kester Disability Rights


A disabled woman assisted by Kester Disability Rights has been paid £7,000 in compensation by a service provider who refused her access to a service because she was unable to wear a face mask.

The pay-out was achieved through negotiation as there was no dispute that access had been denied, or that the Claimant had a disability exemption.  The only thing to be agreed was the amount of compensation, not whether it was due or not.

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Mild-mannered academic slams COVID hysteric

Written by Tom Woods


In the fight for COVID sanity we have many good and highly credentialed scholars on our side. In general, though, they tend to have the quiet disposition of the academic rather than the fiery, attack-dog style that those of us outside of academia (I left 14 years ago and have never been happier) sometimes display.

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The Coming Zombie Apocalypse?

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The Covid-19 test is said to be another form of the Mark of the Beast as it is said it can change and corrupt our DNA.  Did you wonder why the Covid 19 test has to go all the way to your brainstem?

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Seriously, CDC Has a Web Page on ‘Zombie Preparedness’!

Written by John O'Sullivan

In case you thought the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention couldn’t get any crazier, look at this page from their official website and be prepared for puzzlement.

Yes, this is real. The CDC now boasts it is readying America to tackle a wave of braindead, malcontents bent on biting your bits (but we don’t think they mean BLM or Antifa).

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