Federal agents have seized more than 10 million fake 3M brand N95 masks in recent weeks, the result of an ongoing investigation into counterfeits sold in at least five states to hospitals, medical facilities and government agencies.
As our revelations about the dangers of nasal swabs used for COVID19 testing have become a big story we have another follow up to add to the series, thanks to our reader, ‘Protestant’ who supplied links and feedback we need to share with readers below.
The space agency’s Perseverance Rover is due to touch down today after making the 293 million mile journey from Earth to Mars. The probe will buzz across the Martian sky at 12,000mph, before slowing itself down by deploying a 70-foot-wide parachute and setting in a crater littered with boulders.
Governments are currently fighting climate change to the tune of billions. For this to make sense, each idea in the following chain of reasoning needs to be bulletproof:
This original article was first published in Issue 4 of The Sovereign independent in June 2011. The lady in the image above was astute enough to keep a hold of the original printed newspaper.
Watch this online virtual conference on COVID-19, and global health. Featuring doctors, lawyers, and scientists, you won’t find a more power packed collection of individuals speaking the TRUTH about COVID-19. Video replays will be available for everyone who registers.
It’s a very bizarre state of affairs when, as a doctor for over 30 years, I suddenly find myself completely isolated from people I know, and from humanity. In this situation, there seems to be no way to help with healing or caring or treating, because I have been expelled like a priest excommunicated from the church. I have been cancelled.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has admitted that the priority during the pandemic was not about finding a vaccine, it was always about a ‘reset’ of society.
If this admission doesn’t make you realize that you have been constantly lied to and played over COVID19 then what else will?
In a follow up to our December article that PCR swabs may be contaminated with dangerous nanoparticles is this study from Trinity College, Dublin which affirms that nanoparticles alter DNA and cause brain damage.
The study appears in the popular journal, Nature. We urge readers to exercise extreme caution over nasal swabbing. The practice offers no added benefit, but does present higher risk of harm.
The Climate Feedback website has published an erroneous ‘fact check’ of a recent Global Warming Policy Foundation report that fails to identify any factual inaccuracies and makes misleading claims of its own.
I have been highlighting for some time that the virus (SARS-CoV-2) has never been isolated or positively identified [1,2,3,4]. Therefore, it cannot be claimed that the virus exists, and by extension, the story of the COVID pandemic cannot be considered science-based or factual.
The genetic sequences used in PCRs to detect suspected SARS-CoV-2 and to diagnose cases of illness and death attributed to Covid-19 are present in dozens of sequences of the human genome itself and in those of about a hundred microbes.
This includes the initiators or primers, the most extensive fragments taken at random from their supposed “genome” and even the so-called “target genes” allegedly specific to the “new coronavirus”.
The vast number of messages we receive prove there is great concern about the scientific and medical claims being made by politicians and so called ‘experts’ all too keen to keep us lockdown and pump ”vaccine’ potions into our bodies.
We are working hard to provide our readers with up to date information, though it feels we can barely keep up. Herein is a good example of one of the heartfelt messages we have been getting.
In March 2020, the CDC abruptly changed how death certificates were recorded. While this might seem like a mere formality, the CDC only made this change for one type of death — COVID-19 — and circumvented multiple federal laws to do so.