Author Archive

Unexpected Life Found Half a Mile Under an Antarctic Ice Shelf

Written by Dharna Noor & Isaac Schultz

Back in 2016, a team of marine scientists from around the world traveled to Antarctica to learn about the mysterious ecosystems under its vast ice shelves. One team of geologists was tasked with taking videos from beneath the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, which is on the South Eastern Weddell Sea.

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The country that just forgot about COVID

Written by Tom Woods

We know the story by now: countries are supposed to do well against the virus when they listen to “public health authorities” and stay home, close their businesses, etc. When countries don’t do well, that’s because their people are misbehaving, being selfish, etc.

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Thinking About Taking the COVID Jab? Watch This First!

Written by Spacebusters

Contrary to what politicians, Bill Gates and the corrupt media have been telling you, these so-called vaccines launched to fight the coronavirus pandemic are not vaccines at all.

They do not prevent you from becoming infected, nor will they prevent transmission of viral infection. At the very best, they might reduce your symptoms when you get ill.

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Video: The Unraveling of Big Pharma’s Fake ‘Virus’ Story

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If you are losing confidence in traditional allopathic medicine since the COVID pandemic started in 2020 then you are not alone. Our corrupt western pharmaceuticals industries either don’t know what they’re doing or know very well what they are doing. The purpose has always been to create ‘customers’ not to provide cures for illnesses.

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Bill Gates: 3rd shot may be needed to combat COVID variants

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Billionaire vaccine profiteer, Bill Gates told CBS News we might need a third shot of a currently available vaccine, or a “modified” vaccine as the virus mutates, but CHD’s RFK, Jr. asks why we haven’t focused instead on non-vaccine strategies, including therapeutic drugs.

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The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life

Written by Frank de Vocht

Over the last 220 years, society has evolved a universal belief that electricity is ‘safe’ for humanity and the planet. Scientist and journalist Arthur Firstenberg disrupts this conviction by telling the story of electricity in a way it has never been told before.

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Remembering When it Really Got Cold

Written by Mike Cox

So far as is known, Hell has not frozen over, but Galveston Bay has. Several times, in fact.

First a little science. As we learned in eighth grade science or earlier, water freezes at 32 degrees. But that’s the temperature at which fresh water starts turning to ice. Salt water, because of its salt content, does not start to freeze until the temperature drops to 28.4 degrees.

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New Study: Growing Our Understanding of Light

Written by John O'Sullivan

Electro-magnetism is at the core of growing our understanding the universe. Albert Einstein knew this. For over a century we have witnessed strange behaviors of photons which defy common sense, as if they could have instant connections through a means outside the space-time of the observer.

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Engineering with Origami

Written by Gregg Thompson

How do space scientists get extremely large objects into orbit when they only have the tip of a rocket to get them there? Believe it or not, they use the ancient paper folding technique of origami.

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