The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone, report researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health.
“It seems that I have always been ahead of my time,” Serbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla once mused. While the eccentric inventor pioneered advances in radio, television, motors, robotics and electricity—including the alternating-current technology that’s widely used today—he also proposed some more outlandish ideas.
James Delingpole pens a half decent (‘lukewarm’) attack piece on climate criminal, Michael E Mann of Climategate infamy.
But Mr D fails to tell readers that scummy Mann is an absconder from court debts, a defeated serial litigator, big time loser and welcher on a massive money judgment.
Dr Anthony Fauci has a lot to answer for. Dr. David Martin presents his new video ‘The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier” which is 205 Pages and 22 Years of Research.
In England the High Court ruled the Health Secretary had “breached his legal obligation” to publish details of contracts within 30 days in “a substantial number of cases.
Matt Hancock acted unlawfully when he failed to publish details of billions of pounds’ worth of coronavirus-related contracts, the High Court has ruled.
Ping Identity has introduced the Project COVID Freedom biometric vaccine status solution to enable healthcare providers, businesses, and individuals to share proof of COVID-19 test results and vaccinations with ease and speed.
Distressing toll of deaths and severe adverse reactions being reported increasingly from COVID19 vaccines around the world. Governments in cover up and media are silent. Citizen journalists and independent science and medical professionals speak out in condemnation.
For the first time, an eyewitness report from a Berlin nursing home exposes the true situation after vaccinations. It comes from the AGAPLESION Bethanien Havelgarten retirement home in Berlin-Spandau.
Although it has taken many months for the rest of humanity to get this far, this is not new but that which has been known to the progenitors of the plandemic right from the beginning.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was awarded Israel’s $1 million Dan David Prize on Monday in recognition of his leadership on HIV research and AIDS relief, his advocacy for the vaccines against coronavirus and for “courageously defending science in the face of uninformed opposition during the challenging COVID crisis.”
New messenger RNA vaccines to fight the coronavirus are based on a technology that could transform medicine. Next up: sickle cell and HIV.
On December 23, as part of a publicity push to encourage people to get vaccinated against covid-19, the University of Pennsylvania released footage of two researchers who developed the science behind the shots, Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman, getting their inoculations.
SALT LAKE CITY — Intermountain Healthcare doctors announced new mammogram guidelines Tuesday in response to a surprising new side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine.
They say women who recently received a COVID-19 vaccine may have to postpone their yearly mammogram.
Dr Joseph Mercola MD has put together a useful resource revealing the web of players working to silence truthers who have identified the elite’s ‘great reset’ conspiracy to steal our freedoms, impose population controls and destroy the middle classes.
Up to 15 million Texans remain without heat and electricity as temperatures across the state are well below freezing. Another round of winter weather is battering parts of the state Wednesday morning, as many Texans have been without electricity since Sunday are desperately scrambling to find shelters.