The order to “stay at home” was given towards the end of March in 2020. That very order has lead to thousands upon thousands of unnecessary deaths that have occurred at home and in care homes according to official ONS data.
Health authorities in England have announced that not a single case of influenza has been detected this year, with one professor suggesting that mask wearing should be kept in place during winter to drive down flu deaths to “zero.”
History is littered with examples of the atrocities which ensue when doctors abandon their traditional principles and judgement in favour of unquestioning subservience to government diktat – medical involvement in torture, human experimentation and psychiatric punishment of political dissidents being familiar examples.
In December, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Emergency Use Authorization to two messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines against COVID-19. Because the unapproved vaccines’ status is investigational, anyone who gets an injection (whether they realize it or not) is agreeing to participate in an ongoing experiment.
While ‘COVID-19’ primarily affects the lungs of those infected, many patients have reported a wide range of unusual neurological symptoms.
These include headaches, altered mental status, strokes, seizures and loss of smell. Many researchers have hoped that autopsies could shed light on the unknowns of COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
Even NBC news now admits the virus does not exist. Undeniable scientific evidence is growing all over the world that there is no laboratory isolate of the pandemic virus we are told caused COVID19. The entire SARS-CoV-2 narrative has been spun from junk science, data fiddling and a conspiracy among vested interests.
WHO insiders blow the whistle total legal immunity of BIll Gates through GAVI – Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunity. Why Does Bill Gates need “TOTAL” protection from vaccine lawsuits?
Does he anticipate criminal investigations for the COVID conspiracy and emerging fraudulent criminal conduct on vaccine safety?
Back in 1999, leading U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) official Dr. Peter Patriarca contended that modern advances in vaccine technology were rapidly “outpacing researchers’ ability to predict potential vaccine-related adverse events.” Patriarca mused that this could lead to “a situation of unforeseen and unpredictable vaccine outcomes.”
There is ample scientific evidence in peer reviewed literature that supports the argument that untrained citizens wearing non-sterile masks for extended periods are at higher risk than non-mask wearers from a host of unintended adverse impacts. This article addresses the risks.
Let us begin with the Nine Potential and Proven Dangers to Muzzling Yourself:
If we follow the money in the great COVID19 vaccine scam we will likely uncover the disturbing reality that humans are the guinea pigs for a massive eugenics racket. James Corbett provides his usual in-depth analysis in his video report.
The Khazarian Mafia Cabal that controls the West and Communist China is rejecting the Gnostic Illuminati’s demand to surrender and is about to face a massive March campaign to permanently eradicate its membership, multiple agencies and secret society sources say.
In yesterday’s article entitled ‘Big Pharma Beware: Dr. Montagnier Shines New Light on Covid-19 and the Future of Medicine’, I elaborated upon the powerful intervention of the Nobel Prize winning virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier. In that location, I covered the reasonability of Montagnier’s theory of the laboratory origin COVID-19 and I discussed my reasons why anyone assuming a China-origin hypothesis to be rather naive.
Early last April, Dr. Luc Montagnier, the Nobel-prize winning virologist who led a team including Dr. Judy Mikovitz in sequences the HIV virus in 1983, made waves by claiming that COVID-19 had the markings of a laboratory-grown creation.
In a recent interview with Michelle Malkin, Dr. Simone Gold, founder of American Frontline Doctors (AFLD) discussed the lack of authentic informed consent with regards to experimental vaccines, censorship as a “crime against humanity,” and how she was subjected to a massive swat team raid upon her home by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in order to arrest her for being present in the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6th.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said people who are fully vaccinated against the novel coronavirus should still avoid activities such as dining in restaurants and seeing movies at theaters.
“I still do not do dining indoors and I still do takeout,” Fauci said during a Monday press briefing. “I want to continue to support the restaurants in my neighborhood that I would normally go to.”
The 19th century was a period of great change and rapid industrialization. The iron and steel industry spawned new construction materials, the railroads connected the country and the discovery of oil provided a new source of fuel.