General Michael Flynn, hero of American patriots supporting President Donald Trump in the fight against the globalist satanic cabal has come out to endorse a new video by ‘conspiracy theorist’ Alex Jones which proves the SARS pandemic was all planned for in 2017, a full two years earlier.
Renowned international expert, Professor Dolores Cahill of University College, Dublin, Ireland: “Anyone who gets the mRNA injection, no matter what age you are, your life expectancy will be reduced to you know, die if you’re in your thirties within five to ten years.”
Suneel Dhand MD says in this video: “I am a doctor that recommends routine vaccinations to all my patients. Vaccinations have been amazing for humanity. Here’s my story and unique concern, and I want to throw this question out to an open SCIENTIFIC DEBATE. Would you get the vaccine if you were me?”
Dr Peter McCullough is the leading published medical doctor of his speciality in the world. He is regarded as an impeccable expert and someone to be listened to on COVID19 treatments.
In this testimony before the Texas Senate he bemoans that too little is being done to educate ourselves on non-vaccine alternative treatments.
We would not need a COVID19 vaccine if there is already a safe and effective treatment. Imagine that: No lockdowns, no masks, no destruction of jobs and livelihoods. Are there treatments for Covid-19 that are safe, cheap, and effective?
Dozens of every day consumer hand sanitizers contain elevated levels of a hidden chemical carcinogen. Valisure is an independent pharmacy and lab that tests drug products and discovered this disturbing fact.
‘Zero deaths’ is the policy demand from corrupt politicians who are bent on destroying all semblance of a normal, thriving society. Dr Vernon Coleman applies his medical expertize and experience of uncovering corrupt practices in Big Pharma and government to deliver a hard-hitting video on this psychopathic insanity.
HART Pathology Lead Dr John Lee appeared on Good Morning Britain this week alongside Professor Susan Michie who sits on SAGE and the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B).
Dr Lee noted the lack of evidence for asymptomatic spread of SARS-CoV-2 and also pointed out the absence of diverse scientific discussion in the media.
Dr Peter McCullough MD testifies before the US Senate health committee (photo above). He reveals how early successful treatment of so-called COVID19 is highly effective and thus renders mass vaccination unnecessary.
Some virus deaths is price of allowing people to live a ‘whole life’, says Britain’s chief medical officer. Lockdowns are unlikely to be needed again as UK learns to treat coronavirus like flu, Prof Chris Whitty has said.
In recent months, Dr Coleman’s videos have been heavily targeted by paid for trolls. Regrettably, therefore, we have had to disable comments. Our sincere apologies. We miss seeing your encouraging comments.
Simplified graphics often get across a scientific message better than thousands of words of complex explanations. Above is a simple illustration to demonstrate the relative difference between leaving our atmosphere alone and removing all those ‘deadly’ greenhouse gases.
The yellow section are non ‘greenhouse gases’ while the darker square represents the proportion of CO2 and methane, include methane from ‘cow farts.’
We live in an age of mass compliance to the COVID19 vaccine mandate. This craze to get the jab without question is a sign of the success of a cultist brainwashing on a scale never seen before in human history.
Don’t think – just do! Dave Cullen explains why this new religion, kowtowing to the god of junk science, is a worrying step back into the Dark Ages when to simply raise scientific questions about the orthodoxy is a heresy that must be punished.