Dr Saeed Qureshi came to the only logical conclusion: if an invalid test is used, there can be no valid results. He was referring to a test – the drug dissolution test – used worldwide in the pharmaceutical industry. He not only recognized the flaw in the testing protocol, but created the solution.
Medical experts from around the world will join together to present the very latest real world research on repurposing this safe drug that has the ability to transform global efforts to fight the pandemic.
Please listen to and share this powerful front-line testimony. Dr. Charles Hoffe of Lytton, British Columbia tells how the Moderna “vaccine” has decimated the health of his small town, after they had no trouble naturally fending off Covid last year.
Expert on COVID19, Dr. Richard Fleming: We are not dealing with a natural occurring virus, which is designed to increase infection and produce inflammation and blood clots. The vaccines that are being used contain a human-inserted spike protein gene sequence. And they are producing inflammation and blood clots now.
Tomer (Tom) D. Tamarkin discusses the science, history, and politics of the AGW and manmade climate change alarmism debate. He explains the ultimate climate change alarmists goal: drastic population reduction and socialistic one world government.
The method is to indoctrinate people into believing that fossil fuels create climate change and only renewable energy is safe.
Last year Principia Scientific International was the world’s first independent science association to declare there was no LAB proof of COVID19. Our expert in this field, Dr Saeed Qureshi, was at the forefront of calling out the fraud. Today, seven top universities affirm our findings.
Colleagues at Principia Scientific International are very adept researchers. They often glean astonishing but overlooked material from peer reviewed journals. This article highlights the point.
From the journal, Clinical and Translational Medicine we have this eye-opening paper by Mahin Khatami of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (Retired) that you will never see in the fake mainstream news. [1]
Principia Scientific CEO, John O’Sullivan talks with Asia Pacific Today’s Mike Ryan on how closely the COVID19 pandemic hoax follows the same playbook as the man-made global warming fraud.
New Project Veritas video filmed undercover catches a top CNN executive admitting everything rigged to fool the public into compliance.
Snippets from the confession: “Listen to the way we ask questions… we tell the interviewee what to say” Regarding Covid-19: Why don’t you guys cover Covid-19 recovery rates?: ‘Recovery rates? Big pause as he’s unsure what that is.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is one of the international lawyers who won the lawsuit against Volkswagon for their fraudulent diesel emissions test. He’s now leading an international class action lawsuit against the greatest crime against humanity – the COVID19 pandemic hoax.
I posted Episode 398 of The Corbett Report podcast, “Science Says,” around 10 PM Japanese Standard Time on Friday, April 9th, 2021, and then went to bed. Sometime shortly after midnight, the main Corbett Report channel was removed from YouTube.
This video is a must watch. Please share. From Dr Scott Jensen’s tweet :
“For the THIRD time in under a year someone has tried to take away the my medical license and use the board as a weapon, but they failed again. The sad part is we’ll never get to know who is behind these targeted attacks.
Pay attention, because they are coming after YOU!”
The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has developed an implantable microchip that will continuously monitor the human body for signs of the virus.
Retired Colonel Matt Hepburn, an army infectious disease physician heading up DARPA’s response to the pandemic, appeared on 60 Minutes to demonstrate the technology.
Our governments continue to suppress any and all information that proves many vaccines are ineffective and potentially harmful.
Watch this video containing actual mainstream media reports with admissions that vaccines that cause cancers, adverse reactions and are more harmful than the diseases they supposedly suppress.
Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole has conducted over 100,000 Covid-19 lab tests and treated over 350,000 patients over his medical career.