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A Medical News Site and Its Misinformation

Written by Martin Kulldorff

Politicians and journalists will sometimes mischaracterize their opponents’ views and then argue against those phantoms rather than real views. It is a cheap but effective political and journalistic trick. Medical news sources have adopted this tactic during the pandemic, with disastrous consequences for public trust in public health and medicine.

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Japan: Health ministry warns of vaccine’s side effects

Written by NHK - Japan

Japan’s health ministry has listed inflammation of the heart muscle and of the outer lining of the heart in younger males as possible serious side effects of the Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines.

It says that as of November 14, out of every one million males who had the Moderna vaccine, such side effects were reported in 81.79 males in their teens and 48.76 males in their 20s.

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Pacific Ocean garbage patch is immense plastic habitat

Written by Victoria Gill

Scientists have discovered marine animals living on plastic debris in an area of the open ocean dubbed “the Great Pacific Garbage Patch”.

Many of the creatures are coastal species, living miles from their usual habitats, on a patch halfway between the coast of California and Hawaii.

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Tyrannical EU Commissioner Urges Scrapping Nuremberg Code

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What does a President do if a law no longer fits her agenda? Why, she seeks to invalidate it. In the wake of Austria’s tyrannical lockdown of free thought citizens who choose not to receive the ‘vaccine’ still in its experimental stages, the EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code.

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