The report draws on findings on the correlation of Seismic Activity and Recent Global Warming. In the video, we discuss the changes occurring on Earth, which cannot be explained in terms of anthropogenic CO2 emissions theory as a main cause of climate change.
I feel like a lucky star in the vast sky to have known Wal Thornhill for a speck of time. But this luck also brought me grave sorrow a few days ago. It felt as though I was hit with a heavy brick on my head when I read the news that Wal passed away on February 7, 2023.
Please join Principia Scientific Internationals doyens live on TNT Radio this Saturday when we interview a man of diverse talents and accomplishments. Ken Coffman is an electrical engineer, author and publisher. In tribute to a life-long love of the written word, he’s the author and co-author of 13 novels, one nonfiction and a technical book.
Written by Drs Sam & Mark Bailey, Dr Andy Kaufman & Dr Tom Cowan
For far too long, it’s been the “freedom community” with the “no-virus” stance, positioned against the “pro-virus” community. There have been endless videos, Instagram posts, tweets, name-calling, and “de-bunking”.
An international conspiracy among some of the world’s most senior scientists has come to light in recent weeks. The House Select Committee on the Corona virus pandemic is holding a hearing on the origin of SARS COVID-2.
There are no official safety standards for 5G tech, there are only guidelines. Dr. Beverly Rubik joins Stew to talk about how 5G can disrupt the tissue structures inside the human body.
On the 17th of March in the British Parliament, Mr. Andrew Bridgen gave an incredibly well thought out and well-researched speech to raise concerns over potential adverse events following COVID vaccination.
Dr. David Martin PhD founder of M·CAM® and has published across various fields in law, medicine, engineering, finance, and education. He recently appeared in Mikki Willis’ documentary, Plandemic: Indoctornation where he revealed the truth behind the vaccine agenda and how following the money had led him to a number of conclusions about what is really going on during the Coronavirus crisis. In this video he discusses his experience uncovering government corruption.
In this Dr. Vernon Coleman reveals some shocking truths. Through his history of making videos Dr. Coleman has made many predictions that have all come to pass. He warned about compulsory vaccinations and a cashless society in February, March 2020.
More and more people are falling over dead from the CV19 bioweapon vax. Many are young people like 19-year-old boxing champion Jude Moore, who fell over dead this week with no known reported cause of death.
On January 24, 2023 Katherine Watt was an attendee at a press conference that discussed the ongoing emergency use rollout of bioweapons being marketed as Covid vaccines. She discussed the legal framework for which this is happening and provides ways to circumvent the WHO/BIS/DOD initiatives that undermine sovereignty.
Since our atomic structures are made of light, we can utilize light in conjunction with combination therapies to facilitate greater levels of health and wellbeing. In fact, our cells can use electricity, light, and sound as energy sources.