At Principia Scientific International (PSI) the old financial year ends and a new one begins. As our mission expands, so grows our need for your financial help. Please review the successes of our work over the last year and consider making a much-needed donation TODAY and help expose science and medical fraud.
Dr Nisa Khan, a respected international pioneer in LED lighting, has triggered consternation in the scientific community. Herein, she provides further insights as to why LED car headlights are a major risk to public health.
Our recent warning over 5G, LED and electromagnetism dangers is causing a real stir! Joining us again on our weekly TNT Radio show (March 12, 2022) was Dr. Nisa Khan, an eminent international expert in this field of engineering to share the facts the mainstream media won’t report.
On the weekend of Equinox, 19/20 March, people from across the world will rise to demand an immediate halt to 5G on Earth and in Space for the sake of Public Health, Ecology and personal Freedom. Their message: “We do not consent to a few powerful technology and satellites companies dictating the future of all life on Earth.”
Last year a Principia Scientific International (PSI) article told of my two-year (unpaid) trial taking CBD supplements. We have published several articles on the proven scientific benefits (see below). For our UK readers, we post this further endorsement of the product I used, with a timely 10 percent discount on your purchase. I’m delighted with the results – so, what have you got to lose?
Scientists, researchers and industry experts at Principia Scientific International have been prominent in exposing the untold, unquantified risks to health of the global mass 5G rollout. Below, Sean Carney summarises 17 worrisome 5G environmental impacts.
As each month passes, the official data grows and it is showing that around one third of all patients treated with the anti-COVID drug, Remdesivir die. Dr Bryan Ardis cited official data from the government of New York State to prove what he and others predicted: Big Pharma and corrupt government is killing us.
The Establishment rolled out a campaign in 1967 to dissuade critical thinking and skepticism of government. The CIA created the term ‘conspiracy theory’ in the wake of the Warren Commission report, which large swaths of the U.S. public disbelieved.
They say the Holy Grail of modern medicine is finding a cure for cancer. Based on the raft of studies now coming forward, the re-purposed, proven safe drug, Ivermectin, must be a candidate. We look at the reasons why.
Renowned international expert warns that long term 5G smart phone use may pose as serious a cancer threat as heavy smoking. Electromagnetics specialist, Dr Nisa Khan, who issued the ominous warning, holds 10 U.S. industry patents and is a pioneer in optoelectronic and integrated photonic devices.
New research indicates subsurface oceanic seismic and volcanic activity has a significant influence on large oceanic circulation patterns, which in turn impact ocean temperatures, yet these are not accounted for in climate models.
5G is being rapidly rolled out globally, despite grave concerns among independent scientists over safety. Very little published evidence exists on the actual health risks. But one pioneering scientist, noted in Who’s Who as a top industry expert, offers an innovative new paper destined to be a benchmark in the quantification and identification of actual radiative properties from antennae.
Growing concerns about downsides of current cancer treatments such as chemotherapy are leading to viable alternatives being pursued. In the scientific literature turmeric, a natural remedy, is coming to the fore as a valuable addition to the toolbox of cancer care.
[OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE] Adopt-A-Trucker volunteer, Daniel Bulford, ex-RCMP, reads an official press release regarding counter-protesters who may try and disrupt the #freedomconvoy2022 movement.
“People ARE being harmed from these ‘vaccines’” says Canadian cardiologist, who is risking his career by speaking out. “We are seeing just as many, if not more, children presenting with this disease which physicians are calling post mRNA vaccine pericarditis.”
Principia Scientific International (PSI) now offers an exciting new weekly radio broadcasting service with our Australian friends, TNT Radio! Listen in real time with John O’Sullivan, Joe Olson and Joe Postma and special guests discussing topical issues from the world of science, medicine and technology. Links below.