The “Climate Crisis” are the greatest fraud ever perpetuated on Australians. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was started by a criminal yet this is who governments point to for justification of country destroying climate policies.
Attorney William Spruance claims Georgetown University forced him to undergo a psychiatric evaluation after he questioned the law school’s COVID policies on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’
After many years deliberately spent out of the public eye, Professor Tim Noakes returned to the public platform as a keynote speaker at the fifth BizNews Conference in March 2023.
If you are relying solely on a bone density scan to evaluate the health of your bone or to identify osteopenia or osteoporosis, you are being mislead by the accuracy of DEXA. In this video, Dr. Osborne breaks down bone scan myths.
Listen live to TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying where PSI denizens bring you the truth on science and current affairs the mainstream would rather you didn’t know. I’m John O’Sullivan, CEO of Principia Scientific International. Joining me as usual is Canadian space scientist, Joe Postma and Texan engineer extraordinaire, Joe Olson.
Suffering from endless brain fog? Electrosmog may be the problem. Over a 40-year career Dr Clifford Saunders has perfected how to treat thousands WHILE THEY SLEEP. THE RESULTS ARE PERMANENT. The brain reprogramming doctor gets results in under 10 weeks in the comfort and privacy of your own home, sitting in front of your computer, in one-on-one sessions.
Geomagnetic volatility continues here on Earth as the Sun opens up ANOTHER coronal hole, and the high-speed-stream from that should impact the Earth in a few days or so.
Scientists has spoken recent about new warnings signs of when a volcano is going to erupt and these warnings have been underestimated. One of these warnings concerned the Long Valley Caldera and recent analysis has confirmed that this volcanos impeding disaster will trigger a new Ice Age.
In this video, Mark Mitchell discusses the results of the latest Rasmussen poll where they asked over 1000 American three simple questions and the results are chilling.
Andrew Bridgen MP presented to Parliament the extremely important evidence regarding the serious harms and deaths as a result of the experimental mRNA Covid 19 ‘vaccines’. We see the MPs scurrying out, akin to rats deserting the sinking ship, frightened by the truth maybe? Or ordered by their masters to leave?
In the past week, two high profile football (soccer for Americans) players have collapsed on the field of play, continuing a trend that has seemingly now become the norm.
In this video our long time friend, Joe Olsen speaks with Vincent James from the Red Elephants about how he realises the 9/11 attacks were faked and how covid fits into this grand design.
This will be the year when the deaths of friends and family members become very obvious to everyone. The days of saying “I don’t know anyone who has died from these shots” is over. – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny