In this video Mel K speaks to Mikki Willis, a film maker who began to buck the system a long time ago and decided to make the films he wanted to make regardless of what others thought.
In this video, Jeffery Jaxen and Del Bigtree continue their discussion from The Club of Rome and how that played a huge role in the climate discussion to the origins of eugenics.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made a very stunning statement about Atrazine and frogs, which has a lot of people saying that a certain someone was right when was trying to tell people about this years ago.
In this video, Jeffery Jaxen takes a deep dive into the origin of the ‘climate crisis’ narrative, highlighting the Club of Rome’s hand in crafting the modern day ploy.
Title: WiFi Refugee; Plight of the Modern-day Canary by Shannon Rowan
Genre: Non-Fiction, Science, Technology
Rating: 5 Stars
The introduction and opening chapter of Wifi Refugee was intensely gripping as Shannon Rowan explains what personally happened to her and then revealed what electromagnetic frequency (EMF) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is doing to all of us and our environment.
We continue to look at the narrative Spanish Flu, we see problems with the narrative of person to person transmission prior to 1918, specifically in 1889-1890 “pandemic”.
Saturday June 24th from 7pm to 9pm (Eastern) hear epic talk radio as Principia Scientific International’s denizens, Postma, Olson and O’Sullivan discuss climate change and NASA fakery with guests Bart Sibrel and Gregory Wrightstone.
You will no doubt be aware that the idea of forcing people to be vaccinated is back in the news and I think it’s time to look at the background to what is happening.
It’s time to be on red alert. Substandard medical publications were used to push and promote narratives and squash other narratives. AND NOW those publications are being silently deleted. Hundreds of medical journals are disappearing, and no one is talking about it!