One of the most famous stars we can see, Betelgeuse, is set to go supernova extremely soon and when it does it will shine as bright as the full moon in our sky and you will even be able to see it during the day!
In this video, Ben Hansen meets with a Navy pilot that had a traumatic encounter with a UFO. Despite this happening years ago, he still gets emotional while recalling the experience.
Saturday 8th July: Join us at 7pm to 9pm LIVE for no-nonsense news talk with Professor Gloria Moss and Mikki Willis as we talk no-h9lds-barred truth about exposing rampant corruption in our government institutions.
Thermography or thermal imaging can detect abnormal internal body temperatures, allowing it to highlight areas of inflammation and poor blood circulation.
In this video, Anton Petrov discuss some new discoveries in regards to the evolution of life on our planet and specifically a potential resolution to one of the major discoveries when it comes to the evolution of complex life.
In this video, the Redacted team look at why are excess deaths so high right now. Soon we will have more non-Covid excess deaths than Covid deaths, proving that we did something very wrong during the pandemic. What is it and can we not do it again?
In 2013, Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, leaked classified documents that revealed the extent of the U.S. government’s surveillance programs.
In this video, we look at the history of Neurasthenia, we see how it was a diagnosis under attack from its inception, how it was redefined by Freud and other to make it exclusively a psychological diagnosis with no physical causes.
Electrosmog- it is unseen but potentially deadly electromagnetic radiation (EMF)| from our phones, wifi devices and electical grid.
Listen LIVE Saturday 1st July and hear TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying where expert guests, Dr Cliff Saunders and Shannon Rowan share their insights on the good and bad of electromagnetic radiation.