In this video, we continue to look at all the negative outcomes that are associated with homosexuality and how implementation of “Queer Theory” will have disastrous implications for society.
As the vaccination rate continues to rise, an increasing number of side effects are being reported. Research indicates that COVID-19 viral vector-based vaccines increase the risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) by three to four times compared to mRNA-based vaccines.
In this video we look at all the negative health, STD, and mental health problems associated with lesbian, gay and bisexual people and contributing factors.
The popular weight-loss drug Wegovy reduced the risk of serious heart problems by 20 percent in a large, international study that experts say could change the way doctors treat certain heart patients.
Saturday 9th December 2023: Now broadcasting live in video don’t miss these two great guests on TNT Radio ‘lighting the fuse to freedom’. In the first hour Naomi Wolf, one of the world’s most influential feminists. In the second hour, Mike Austin, host, producer and founder of Casual Saints.
Millions of Americans are suffering from substance use disorders and mental health issues related to alcoholism and drug usage, according to a recent survey by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Fibromyalgia, also known as widespread pain, is a chronic condition that causes pain all over the body, as well as other symptoms such as tenderness, fatigue, and sleep problems. It affects around 2 percent of American adults (around 4 million people). Some estimates suggest that approximately 5 percent of individuals may experience some level of fibromyalgia.
COVID-19 antiviral drug Paxlovid failed to reduce most of the medical complications when used in the treatment of long COVID, according to a recent study.
Poor diet is a major factor in many serious health issues, with fast food often cited as one of the leading causes of liver disease. So while fast food is convenient and inexpensive and also tastes good—is it worth the risks?
You may have heard news reports that an Anthony Fauci-run lab in Montana was experimenting on coronaviruses from the Wuhan Institute of Virology—and that they were doing this more than a year before COVID-19 emerged.
The nation’s primary early warning system used to detect possible safety problems with vaccines is “overwhelmed,” raising concerns that the system may be broken and isn’t being adequately managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), according to a new investigation.
Freedom of Information Act results have shown that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG) knew that the mRNA injections were commonly fatal to babies in the womb.