Until December 12, leftists worldwide will meet in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for COP28, the 28th annual meeting of the “Conference of Parties” of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
We at look media coverage of covid vaccines before and after they were available, we look at Advanced Technology International who responsible for Covid vaccine contracts under warp speed.
The world’s rich and famous, plus an army of publicists, hangers-on and mendicants, are attending the COP28 meeting in Dubai, the ostentatious 7-star play-ground capital of United Arab Emirates where even the police drive luxury sports cars.
In testimony provided to members of Congress, the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that a surge in respiratory illnesses in China is not being fueled by a new virus.
Recently, anti-COVID-19 vaccine activist Steve Kirschtouted the data secured from some form of whistleblower employed at the New Zealand Ministry of Health. His name is 56-year-old Barry Young, and apparently, he breached ministry protocol, rules and likely, the law accessing vaccination data at Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand. Reports are from local media that Mr. Young will be out of jail on bail by tomorrow.
With the advent of McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification, there has been a surge of Nattokinase use in clinical practice. While the Japanese have been using Nattokinase for its cardiovascular benefits for decades, the Chinese and now western societies are learning more about its effects in the body.
Saturday 16th December 2023: Now the UN IPCC’s COP28 jamboree is over, we speak with two climate science experts, Matthew Wielicki (first hour), then Steve Goreham (second hour) with indepth reasons why the world must stay skeptical.
The United States now faces its highest-ever childhood vaccine exemption rate in history, according to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report published on Nov. 10.
The United States is still reeling from the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns and other aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic as Americans have suffered a “collective trauma,” the American Psychological Association (APA) has said, citing a study.
Global mean temperature (GMT) and mean sea level (MSL) are frequently used as key indicators of climate change. However, a critical examination reveals that these metrics, while convenient for broad discussions, may lack scientific significance due to the immense variability and complexity of the Earth’s climate and geophysical systems.
During the 2022–2023 flu season, the influenza vaccine was less than 50 percent effective at preventing emergency department/urgent care visits and hospitalizations among children and adolescents, according to a study funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
A top deputy to Dr. Anthony Fauci indicated in a newly uncovered email that he purposefully did not keep records that he knew would be sought by the public and congressional investigators.
In 2022, an estimated 1.2 million people died around the world from COVID-19, while 1.3 million people died from tuberculosis (TB), according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
In this video, we look at the 1986 vaccine act that provides protection against immunity for vaccines, Supreme Court decisions on vaccines, The Prep Act, it’s modern interpretation with Covid and Operation Bioshield.